Vernon and the New Girl

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Vernon had a tendency to hop from one girl to another, not because he liked breaking hearts

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Vernon had a tendency to hop from one girl to another, not because he liked breaking hearts. He hadn't found the one girl that satisfied him enough and that wasn't just sexually, since every girl he's been with so far only says he wants sex.

When actually, Vernon wanted a real genuine partner. Not someone who would only want sex, or be too focused on their phone ignoring him. There were some situations where his ex girlfriends would misunderstand him and his intentions, some where it regarded their personality or... politics.

"I just think we should just keep foreigners out of the country!"

Vernon got up and left, not caring that they hadn't even ordered food yet.

Or situations like this one:

"Ya know I just don't get why most women wear makeup! I don't wear makeup because I'm all natural, but I see so many women who are just so needy for a man's attention."

"... You're wearing mascara."

"No it's natural. See that girl over there, she's a prime example of caked up!" Vernon groaned and slammed his head on the wooden table.

So yes he did have a list of things he wanted out of his lover because that's how he saw the world, real with all of its flaws. He hated those sayings or posts about women where they had to be "perfect" for their men, like cooking & cleaning. Shit like that was complete bullshit to him as he didn't expect his partner to know everything about life, they were the same as him. Vernon could care less about how the world precepts him or someone else's lifestyle, he wanted to take every flaw, insecurities, and opinions his partner would have.

It was the second month of school when he finally got a glance of what kind of person Kaliyah was. Although she was sweaty because of weight training class and gulping down her water bottle, Vernon couldn't stop himself from taking a seat across from her. He watched another student walk up to her, questioning her on whether they were done or not.

"Weight training difficult?" He asked both students, the other nodded her head while Kaliyah let out a sign.

"It's the most I've done in awhile." She admits with a playful chuckle and Vernon smiles.

"How long is awhile??" He began to tease her. Before she could answer her classmate tapped her shoulder, letting her know she was leaving. "Sorry I don't mean to bother, you can go back."

"Oh it's fine. It's cooler out here anyways and plus I was bored." Kaliyah gave him a light smile before dipping her head down shyly. Vernon laughs at that and she lifts her head up at the sound. "Your laugh is so cute but way to normal. My laugh sounds like a train." Both of them laugh at her comment and it takes a second for both to meet at the middle of the two benches.

"Kaliyah." Outstretching her polished hand to his and they slide together perfectly.

"Vernon. You've got very soft hands by the way." Her cheeks raised up as she laughed, his smile big as ever.

"I've been told that many times!!"

And reluctantly, the two did click. Way much faster than Vernon and Kaliyah expected. 

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