First Day

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School was nothing but hell for everyone, or at least that's what I thought

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School was nothing but hell for everyone, or at least that's what I thought. I wasn't the voice for everyone here at this high school full of idiots, jerks and loners. All I knew was that, I couldn't wait for it to end.

"Do you think Jung Wooyoung is still there?" Felix asks me with hesitation in his voice. I stay quiet because, who even knew the answer to that question? I wanted to say to my brother, "He probably dropped out", but nothing came out as I too, was hesitant to see the junior classmate.

We walk on the concrete road in a comfortable silence, moving out of the way whenever some walks past with their dog or is jogging. The sun beams brightly today and I'm glad Lix gave me this tank top because I would have sweat too much before entering school. I know Felix would rather have went to be with his soccer friends or find some weed to smoke, but he chose to stay with me and that made me feel more wanted than anything else.

Though, I still felt bad.

Felix heard the sound of a bicycle going our way from behind, lightly pushing the both of us to the right and out of the way of the person. We continue walking to school though, just close together until the bicyclist goes by, their pedals getting faster to reach wherever they were going.

And they do fly past us, but not fast enough so we can't see their faces and that's when I realize that this bicyclist was not only fit but also handsome. The person had blue, fluffy hair that was most likely curled at the tips to give it just a touch to the handsome face. As they go past and looks back at us for a second, I see that they have a Chanel necklace dangling tightly to their skin and dark blue makeup coats their eyes.

It felt like my heart was beating ten times faster then what it usually was. This person had me star-struck at how amazing they looked; and here I thought I was handsome.

They were breathtaking.

I didn't even realize that we had made it to the school until someone bumps into me, startling me. I see my brother talking to some girl before turning back to me, "See you Jinnie. I'm going to class this today, and going to smoke later so I'll call you once I feel my high going down. Don't worry to much, yeah?"

"Yeah." I say but I still get worried when the boy does smoke with his pothead friends. "Just don't do anything stupid." Felix laughs at me, freckles moving to match his laughter.

"You know I'm smart. Don't doubt me like that. See ya." And with that, we both head our separate ways for the first day of school.

When thinking of the school and their history, I always look out for myself whenever I'm alone; though I've always have been. Considering the fact that there are some homophobic people in our school, and bullies, or even just crazy people; I try to stand myself far away from those types and usually keep to myself. If you didn't keep to yourself or had different opinions and voiced them, you'd probably end up like Kim Yerim who had almost been arrested if it weren't for those boys who tried to frame drugs on her all because she kissed his ex.

That's how rough this school was.

Whenever I look in the mirror, all I feel like is that I'm just some pretty loner who probably needs to grow out of his feminine "stage". I make sure to keep look out for the boys who had grudges against anyone who wasn't masculine or the girls who felt like a guy was way too prettier than them. Whenever I look in the mirror again, I see that I'm the most likely target for these spiteful people to hurt and that made me laugh.


I knew Felix left school earlier than I did because of the text he sent me at 3:15, saying how he was already high enough to eat a whole bag of Doritos. I shake my head in disappointment because why not? But then again, I still could never control the boys life unless I really wanted to and today, I didn't feel like it. I let out a silent sigh as I leave the chemistry class early without getting caught by the teacher, stepping into the empty hallway to free myself from boredom.

As I walk down the hallway, I see the horrific image of Kim Yerim kissing on the supposedly, non-single, Hirai Momo. But since neither of the girls have done anything to me, I walk right past the sounds of them giving wet kisses and touching each other. And this is why I hated this school so much.

"Well if it isn't Kim Seokjin." I stop dead in my tracks, waiting for someone to walk out of their classroom or for the bell to ring. I just wanted to fucking leave the earth at this point, because I knew my day was going to get even more complicated from here.

Before I could even turn around and protest, I was being dragged into the school parking lot towards the black car the person owned. It always amazed me how clean their car was and the smell of cheesecake they religiously ate never left my nose. Letting out a sigh, I speak "Jisung, the hell are you doing now?" I frown at the stupid smirk he wears on his face as he gets into the driver's seat, starting the car.

"We're obviously going to my house."

And here we go again. I thought we were done with this, tired of this but no. Once again, we're going back to his house to romantic or inappropriate activities that wasted both of our time, but we never admitted that to each other.

Han Jisung was only older than me by four months and he always made sure I remembered that he was the superior one, not me. He almost always was the dominant one in anything he did, sports, classes, music, and even my heart. Han made it hard for anyone to see that he only an asshole in disguise who used you for his own personal games. Often times I ask myself why I even talked to this asshole in the first place? To this day, I'll never know why I talked to him in second period of our sophomore year.

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