Chapter 25 - Forgiven/The Mission

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Adrien ran to find his father. "Did they find her?" he asked.

"Yes, they brought her in."

"Where is she?"

"She is in solitary confinement at the moment not to be seen by anyone. She needs to learn that she can't just run off without permission."

"But Father, you can't do that to her."

"Yes, I can. Don't worry, I'll pay her a little visit soon to remind her of a couple rules." Adrien was mad but accepted that there was nothing he could do to change his father's mind. Marinette did run off and maybe she did deserve it.

Later that day, Gabriel went down to the prison block to check on Marinette. She had her eyes closed and didn't move.

"Marinette, I hope you know why you are here. I can't have you running off doing your own thing without permission. I tried to give you freedom, but it looks like I made a mistake. First you tamper with your suit and then you decide to run away. That is why you're here do you hear me?" Marinette looked Gabriel in the eye her eyes were brimming with tears.

"I'm sorry." She choked out. "I should've never gone with her." She said. Gabriel's eyebrows rose.

"With her? Who are you talking about?"

"An old lady came up to my window and I was scared so I went with her and let her mess with my suit then later on she tried to kidnap me." Gabriel came up to Marinette and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Listen to me." He said with compassion as she cried. "Never trust anyone. The world is a cruel place, and someone may appear to be kind, but they really want to hurt you. You know perhaps I was too harsh on you Marinette. You're young and don't understand many things yet." Gabriel unlocked the chains holding her to the wall. "Come with me." He said leading her out and they entered the food room.

Adrien was chatting with someone in the corner and Marinette looked around and saw Plagg who waved to her from a chair. She waved back with a small smile and Gabriel led her to a table. She sat down and he found Adrien who was so distracted that he didn't notice Marinette's presence in the room.

"Son come here." He said. Adrien nudged his friend and followed his father. He saw Marinette and ran up to her giving her a big hug. Marinette squeezed back and Adrien looked back at his father.

"Thank you." He said.

"It was all a misunderstanding right Marinette?" Gabriel said with a smile. Marinette nodded and they sat down. "Now I still need you to go get me that jewel. It is hidden away in the depths of the miracle cave. That place is dangerous so you will need to act with caution. The jewel is called the miraculous and I want you to find it and bring it to me. Can you do that?" They both nodded. "Good you leave in an hour." He said, walking away. Adrien looked into Marinette's teary eyes.

"Why did you leave? You knew what would happen and you did it anyway."

"Listen, an old woman convinced me to go with her offering help and safety. She seemed so kind, so I went with her. Later, she took me to an apartment where she said I was to stay and that was owned by some unknown person that she wouldn't reveal to me. I left and she chased me trying to kidnap me. Luka helped me get away, but I came back."

"Did you tell father this?"

"I didn't tell him the details, but he knows I was taken."

"That's why he let you out." Marinette nodded. "Who would do something like that? Adrien said. 

Leanne sat in her apartment as her guest arrived. Thomas aka Hawkmoth and Nathalie arrived.

"Where is she?" He asked.

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