Chapter four

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//Hi! So this chapter is going to be late because i am really sick. I have I.V thingy and it hurts so much, and also this chapter is going to have some mistakes because I'm using only one hand to write, so please bear with me.//

I ran towards the stairs and directly opened the door. for my surprise it was not him. it was the mailman. I sat on my couch waiting for him. i checked the time 2:10.

"Where is that jerk?"i asked annoyed.I kinda got hungry so i made a sandwich.i was going to bite it when a loud honk of Lucas's car. i sighed. i just when to get a tupperware and got my sandwich and put it in.

I opened the door. "your late." i said crossing my arms.

"Im sorry." he said smiling.

"You better be."i said getting my bags.

"Are you ready?" He asked pumped.

"As ill ever be!"

We drove off to a beautiful sunset and headed to a resort. i was hoping it was not the beach and hoping to go to a swimming pool. he looked so peaceful driving, all in his sun glasses driving his black car. he looked so hot in that t-shirt with his biceps form around the sleeve of his shirt. I'm kinda curious to see more of him. Does love make everyone perverts? Wait am I in love? That couldn't be.

"Are we almost their?" I asked curiously.

"Almost their!" He said excited.

It was so weird to go with him, and its even weirder because i don't have my best friend with me. mostly i would have a friend by my side. Wait, what am I talking about? He's my friend, he could help me whenever I like.

"We are here, miss." he said unbuckling my seat, he's sweet scent hit my nostrils that gave me a relaxing sensation.

"Want something to eat?" He asked opening his back car.

"I don't know but, I'm kinda hungry, to tell you honestly."

"We'll find something to eat." he said bringing out the bags.

"I have one more surprise!" He whispered at my ear, that gave me shivers. "Were going to have an overnight sleep at the beach!"

"What?!" I asked confused. "And you didn't even tell me!" I said angry.

"Its a surprise, don't you get it?"

"Oh, sorry." i said embarrassed. "Good thing i brought extra things."

I got out of the car and walked towards the entrance carrying my bag. "This is a hell of a big gate," I stated looking upwards. "you bet." he replied to me.

Lucas walked to the reservations area, and i was just looking at the nice view from the top. " where is the swimming pools?" I questioned myself. " come on, lets go," he patted my shoulder and held my hand.

We walked to a tunnel which glowed and sparkled inside because of the crystals reflecting to the sun. and I saw a large pool with the ocean by its side, it was like a paradise, I saw a group of people swimming but few of them are drinking and singing. we reached a circular staircase which led to the rooms, we walked to a hallway filled with beautiful pictures of the view outside, i bumped into something and my bag fell, i realized i bumped into one of the managers of the resort.

"I'm sorry mam, heres your bags." he gave me my bag and proceeded to shake hands with me. "It's alright." when I looked at him, he smiled cutely, i guess he was cute. " excuse me." i said making my way through.

"Oh, sure sorry again." then he just walked away to the hallway that we passed. Lucas called me and opened the door for me, I just saw A king sized bed and a bathroom, it also has sliding doors that led to a magnificent view of the resort and the jacuzzi which was not On, apparently.

"So what do you think?" He asked bringing down the bags, I walked around a little bit more and answered. "its beautiful, its like a paradise." I can't believe that he could take me to these tremendous place, even thought i was just a friend of his. It was late at night so we have to sleep, but the problem is the room don't serve to beds. so we have to share the beds. "What?!" I said.

"We are sharing beds?" I said confused.

"Unfortunately, yes." he said shrugging.

We both managed to get into the bed, but our backs facing each other, we slept until the next morning, i found myself in his arms and my head laying at his hard formed chest. I quickly standed up and did a sitting position, I obviously waked him up so.

"Get back to bed." he said rubbing his eyes. I just ignored him and straightly got in the bathroom and did my business. after i got out of my warm bath, I saw him waiting for me at the table with breakfast, the blueberry pancake got my eye, I walked to him and said. "Good morning."

"Good morning," he also replied. we ate the delicious- mouth watering breakfast dishes and dressed up to go swim outside, I was hoping the water was not cold, or else that would be bad. i saw lucas coming out of the bathroom wearing sunglasses and a short with Hawaiian prints on it, and also a white t-shirt that says ( hot like coffee).

Well i wore short- shorts and a t-shirt. don't wanna let it show. I walked to the door and bumped with someone again.


Okay guys, don't be mad at me for a short chapter because this chapter was cutted but I will surely finish this chapter and move it to chapter 5, i am having a bad time but hope you understand.


Tag time: LukesBabyGirl14
- your a true friend and love ya!

Also i will right another story, and this story will not be affected by the updates.



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