Start of Tearm

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Hermione Granger was fourteen and entering her third year of Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardgry, as Hermione got off the Hogwarts Express she had a terrible sense that something awful was going to happen, and not just the normal kinda awful things her, Harry, and Ron got into. Hermione however shook off this feeling as nerves and got in to a carriage with Ginny, Ron, Harry and Neville. The group chated about there summer as they made there way up to the Castle.

As they made there way into the great Hall
Hermione felt a chill run down her spine, a sign she has learned most of the time means someone is watching. When Hermione looked up she realized that it was professor Dumbledore who was watching her, Hermione didn't know why but she never really felt comfortable around the Headmaster.

Hermione shook this thought off and sat with the others at the table. "Hey Hermione you look nervous are you ok?" Harry asked,"I'm alright just a little nervous for this term." Hermione lied easily, "there is no need for you to be worried you get top marks in every class you take every year." Harry said to her with a smail. With that they all settled in to dinner.

A few days later Hermione was in the library reading a book on arithmacy, when she felt a need to go to a secluded section in the back of the Library. Once there she was drown to a book she had never seen something about this book Drew her in like it was calling to her, Hermione could praticly feel the magic thrum around this book and cuden't help herself and picked it up.

The Book didn't have a title but a leather cover. Hermione hadn't seen a book in the library like it and couldn't help tucking it in her bag to read later. Hermione all of a sudden got a gut feeling that she needed to leave and go back to her dorm, as Hermione was walking back to her dorm she could have sworn she heard some one call her name but when she looked around no one was there so she shook it off as being tired.

 Hermione all of a sudden got a gut feeling that she needed to leave and go back to her dorm, as Hermione was walking back to her dorm she could have sworn she heard some one call her name but when she looked around no one was there so she shook i...

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(The book Hermione found)

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