{01.} Beginning A New Adventure

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"Okay Sapnap, George! I'll be on my way home now."

"Bye Karl. We'll stay for a little while longer." George waved while focused on paperwork.

"Be careful when you go home Karl." Sapnap said as he stooped his axe down.

"I will Sapinapi, bye guys." Karl smiled sweetly as he waved a final goodbye to his friends.


Karl stepped out of the castle entrance Foolish built a few months ago and breathed in a big gulf of fresh air. Feeling good, he walked to his library- his body and mind had been set on returning to the library the whole day and Karl finally decided to give in and visit.

As he was walking down the mossy stone brick path, Karl passed Foolish working on a new house. He waved to the builder and the builder waved back.

Continuing the walk, his light brown hair bobbed up and down as the wind blew onto his face. A few leaves caught onto Karl's multicolored outfit- he just plucked them out.


Once at the door entrance of his library, Karl immediately passed out. His vision went white with hints of neon purple and green; he felt dizzy and fell to his knees as he watched the small clocks on his wrists turn counter-clockwise and spiral in different directions. Uh Oh.


Started: 07/16

Finished: 07/16

I'll continue at my own pace since I'm not a very motivated person :D

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