{04.} Shared Secrets

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"Holy shit dude..."

"I know, it's a lot to take in."

"We-We-We uh We need to talk to Karl, yeah Karl."

"I know...We should probably leave the library; it's twenty minutes till closing hour."

"Do you wanna go back to my place? I mean George, Sapnap, Karl, Bad, and Quackity are going to be there but we can read more about this."

"Uh- Sure I guess, let me just text Will."


"Because he has to babysit his neighbor's kid and friends. And he wanted me to accompany him."

"Hah sucks to be him."

"Yeah... Uh let's pack up, and we can just walk to your place."

"Sounds good."

---In Kinoko Kingdom----



"Do you know where Karl went? I tried to message him on the comms and it said 'player not found."

"He's probably on another server with Mr. Beast."

"Oh ok then. I'm gonna go check on Foolish, I got materials for him."

"Go then, I got papers to organize and sign."

"Fine~ Give me a little kissy."


"Okay fine, bye!"



Dream and Techno made it up the stairs and into his room.

Techno never really had a reason to be in his rival's room when he was over, but now he can tell Dream really is a basic white boy.

Dream opened his closet and pulled out a foldable mini table and placed it on the floor. 

Techno plopped his bag down and sat criss cross on the floor, already opening the book and journal.

"We're already starting? I thought we'd eat first or I dunno do something."

"Food and games can wait, I got stuff to do. You just wanted to be involved"

"Is this how you treat your host?"

"Not really, but its you so I don't care."

Dream rolled his eyes,"Be right back, gonna get some snacks. Don't mess up my room."

"Okay," Techno said-already nose deep in the book.


Dream closed the door and made his way to the kitchen where Sapnap would be along with Karl. But suprisingly, they weren't-probably out with Quackity and George-he thought.

He opened the cabinets above the stove and pulled out an opened bag of chips.

Dream went back to his room with juice, water, chips and candies.



"Yeah, lets start now."



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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