My Step-brother's best friend

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You were sitting in the common room with pansy when Blaise and Draco came running into the common room Draco sat down next to you out of breath Blaise sat next to Pansy who turned a light shade of pink Blaise was also out of breath.

"What happened to you guys?" Pansy asked, the boys were trying to talk while catching thier breath.

"We kocked over a second years food and her older brother was chasing us" Blaise said his breathing was somewhat back to normal.

"Why did you knock over her food?" You asked "it was an accident, lucky for us the girl's older brother is in gryffindor" Draco said his breathing was normal again unlike Blaise.

The four of you talked, the common room started to clear out until it was only Draco, Blaise, Pansy and you left "so I was thinking that it's late and I'm tired so I'm going to bed" Blaise said and left up the boys staircase Pansy started packing up her books "well I'm tired as well I'll see you to in the morning" she said the left upstairs to the girl's dorm room.

Blaise and Pansy both know that you had a crush on Draco which meant that this wasn't an accident "I think I'll go to bed as well good night Draco" you said and was about to head for the stairs when Draco grabbed your arm.

"Wait I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out with me sometime?" He said "sure that sounds nice" you said he let go of your arm "good night Y/n" he said and left up his staircase. You opened the dorm room door and Pansy immediately jumped out of bed "what happened?" She asked.

"He just asked me to hang out with me sometime" you said and sat down on my bed "what did you say?" She asked while sitting down next to you "yes, of course"you said "yay" Pansy said "I'm going to bed good night Pansy" you said "good night Y/n" she said

You changed into your PJ'S and turned the lights out. You and Pansy where sitting at the Slytherin table "so are you guys going out today?" Pansy asked "I'm not sure he didn't give a date" you said "oh that's to bad" Pansy said. You guys headed to Care of Magical Creatures with the gryffindors this was your least favorite class.

You were standing at the very back of the class Pansy left to be next to Blaise who was her crush and he had confused about having a crush on her which made things weird when you and Draco where around they would constantly flirt with each other without knowing it. Draco made his way to the back of the class "hey Y/n" he said "hey Draco" you said.

"I just remembered that I didn't give you a date for when we hang out" he said "it's fine really I don't have anything planned for the next two years" you said with a small smile "what's so special about the next two years?" Draco asked "I don't know yet" you said. You guys talked all the way through Care Of Magical Creatures class "so are you free tonight?" He asked "yes I am" you said "great met me in the common room at eleven o'clock" he said but left before you could answer him.

Pansy was helping you get ready "what about this dress" she said "Pansy we're not going to a fancy restaurant" you told her "so it's nice" she said "it's to much for a small hang out" you said "it's not a hang out it's a date" Pansy said "whatever" you said but slightly blushed when Pansy said date. You picked out a white shirt, ripped jeans and Vans with a jean jacket "okay hurry up" Pansy said and rushed you out the door "have fun but not to much fun" she called.

When you got down there Draco wasn't there just yet so you sat down on the couch and waited "sorry it took longer Blaise was being...well Blaise" Draco said which made you laugh, Draco took you down to the Quidditch fled and layed down a blanket right in the middle of it you guys sat down, and you looked up at the stairs, "it's beautiful isn't it" Draco said while looking up at the stairs to "yeah I've never actually looked at the stars before" you said.

Draco pulled out a basket and placed it on the blanket, you opened it up and took out a chocolate covered strawberry it was one of your most favorites, but how did he know "Blaise told me you liked them" he said as if he had read your mind. As it get darker it also get colder out "are you cold?" Draco asked "not really I have a jacket" you said "we should probably head inside anyway before it gets to dark to see our way back to the castle" he said and you nodded, you picked up the basket while he grabbed the blanket.

Once you guys got inside you sat down the basket on a table he did the same with the blanket, you sat down by the fire that was still burning a bit and took off your jean jacket, Draco sat down next to you "this is a lot better" he said "agreed" you said. He moved a little closer to you, you looked up at him a blush creeping it's way to your  face, he put his arm around your shoulders, you  blushed a bright shade of red. You were starting to feel sleepy but you weren't ready for this moment to end just yet.

"Are you tired love?" Draco asked, you nodded your head he moved you guys in a laying position "go to sleep love" he said in a whisper and kissed your forehead gently, he wrapped his arms around your waist while you wrapped your arms around his neck. The next morning you where woken up by Blaise "Oi, I didn't say you could touch my sister" he yelled at Draco "what we're dating" Draco said that shocked the three of you even him "are we dating?" Draco asked "yes we are" you  said and kissed him. 

"Looks like that work" Pansy said "yeah it did, maybe I should do that for you and Blaise" you said "Shut up Y/n" she said while turning a bright shade of red.

Word count:1085

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