Not Good Enough For You

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Warning:self harm, death, murder

You woke up late and missed breakfast, you were heading towards History Of Magic when you heard Pansy and her friends talking about you "it's probably a good thing she missed breakfast she's already so fat" one of the girls said "I don't know why Draco's even dating her she's so ugly and she's a Hufflepuff, he should be with me and not with her" Pansy said, they have been doing that ever since you and Draco had started dating which was three years ago.

Before school started you had started cutting small cuts on her arm but now that school has started again the cuts get bigger every day, you hadn't noticed that you where crying until you sat down next to Draco "are you okay love?" He asked "yeah, why wouldn't I be" you said and took out your books not that you actually plan on doing any work "if your okay, then why are you crying?" Draco said and wipped away a tear that fall "I just got dust in my eyes" you lied and wipped the rest of them away with your sleeve.

Later that day you didn't show up to lunch, Draco headed to the Room Of Requirement you had mentioned it once when you guys were talking, that's were you go when you needed some space. He looked around but didn't find you there so he left to look at the Astronomy Tower instead. After he left you came out of your hinding spot, you had heard someone come in so you quickly hind in a closet, your arm was blooding and stung badly, but you were used to it be now.

You went straight to your common room since you know that was the only place Draco couldn't check since you were Hufflepuff. The next morning it was a little cold so you grabbed a jacket to put over you short sleeve shirt, you and Draco were studying under a tree in the courtyard  "it's hot" you said "maybe it wouldn't be if you took off your jacket" Draco said "alright" you said, you were about to take off your jacket but stopped midway "what's worng?" Draco asked looking at you "I'm fine with the jacket on" you said and continued to study Draco didn't believe you but kept studying.

After you guys were finished studying Draco helped you up but grabbed onto your wrist a little to tightly "ow" you cried "are you okay?" Draco asked immediately letting go of your wrist "yeah I'm fine" you lied like you always did. At lunch you didn't eat anything "are you sure your not hungry?" Draco asked "I said I'm fine" you said. Later that day you had gotten a letter from Draco saying:

Meet me in the Room Of Requirement tonight

You put the letter inside your pocket and headed to the Room Of Requirement, once you got there Draco was already waiting of you "hey what's up?" You asked "I didn't know you tell me" he said "what dose that mean?" You asked "what's worng with you you don't eat, you don't sleep, you disappear and all of a sudden your wrist hurts when I touch it" he said "I don't know what are talking about my wrist doesn't hurt when you touch it" you said "then let me see"he said "no" you said.

"Why not?" He asked "if it's fine let me see your wrist" Draco said while walking closer "no" you said while walking backwards, Draco grabbed your wrist and pulled up the sleeve "Y/n" he said his voice barely a whispered "why would you do this?" He asked "because Pansy and her friends were saying things and it was true" you said tears falling from your eyes, Draco pulled you into a hug and whispered sweet things I to your ear.

Two months later

It has been two months since Draco found out, Pansy and her friends kept whispering things about you and you still cut but this time things got a little out of hands. You had went into the girls bathroom, Pansy and her friends followed you inside, you turned around and everything went dark.

Pansy and her friends were only going to knock you out and bring you into the Hospital Wing so that way Pansy sand her friends looked like a hero and Draco would date Pansy instead of you but they instead did something much worse then just knock you out.

"Is there supposed to be that much blood?" One of the girls asked "I don't think there was supposed to any blood" another one of the girls said "come on we have to go" Pansy said "but what about Y/n?" Another one of the girls asked "forget about her we have to go NOW" Pansy said. They all left the bathroom and left you on the floor blood coming from the back of your head.

Hermione, Ginny and Luna went into the same bathroom that you were in and find you like that "Luna go and get someone" Hermione said, Luna ran out of the bathroom and got the first Professor she could fine "what happened in the bathroom girls?" The professor asked Hermione, Ginny and Luna "we don't know Professor we came in and foud her like that" Ginny said "if I find out that you three girls are lying you'll all be in big trouble" the Professor said.

One week later

The great Hall had a change of scenery inside of one of the houses banners hanging down to show which house had win the house championship the banners were black and the great Hall was full of sad looking students and Professors everyone was in their black robes, Draco was the saddest out of all of them. Dumbledore walked up to his stand and began his speech "we have lost a very kind soul on the 5th of June  they will be missed very very much." After Dumbledore's speech everyone went back upstairs to get their things and head back to their house for summer.

Word count:1023

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