The Lost Ferret

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You were sitting on a bench in the courtyard when all the kids run over to the tree they were all laughing loudly which made it hard to focus on what you were doing, you packed up all of your belongings and headed to the library on your way there you stepped on something's tail you looked down and saw a white ferret laying on the ground.

"Sorry little bubby I didn't see you there" you said and picked him up his blueish/greyish eyes looked at you "hi I'm Y/n and I'm talking to a ferret" you said the last part to yourself  "come with me little bubby" you put him inside of your bag and headed to the Revenclaw common room. When you  got in there your best friend came up to you "hey Y/n I was wondering if you maybe-"she started but you cut her off "sorry I have a really important essay due tomorrow" you lied and hurried up the stairs, the white ferret's head poked out of your bag.

You were a prefect so you had your own room you shut the door and locked it, you gently placed the bag on the bed and took the tiny white ferret out of it "this is where your going to spend the rest of your left bubby" you said and placed him on the bed. You took out your homework, quill and ink, and dipped the tip of the quill into the ink bottle and begin doing your homework, the tiny white ferret came running towards you and spiled the ink all over your parchment and walked around in it "stop no you can't do that little bubby" you said and picked him up.

He jumped right out of your arms and ran around your room getting ink everywhere "no come back here" you chased the little white ferret around your room for around ten whole minutes until he gave up. You picked him up and placed him in the sink "okay didn't be scared it's just a bath" you said and turned the water on slowly so it wouldn't scary him, after his bath you cleaned up the ink that was all over the room, you  picked up the parchment and looked at it, there were tiny little ferret paw prints on it "it's cute I'll put on the wall" you said to the little ferret.

You layed down on the bed and the little white ferret calmed onto your chest "I should probably give you a name" you said, you were thinking of all the boy names that would suit the ferret "how about Bubby since I've been calling you that" you said the ferret nodded it's head, "your like my new best friend now so your going to have to listen to all my problems" you said with a small smile "so I have a crush on a Slytherin boy he's really cute, but I'm a Revenclaw he'll never noticed me" you said to Bubby .

"His name is Draco Malfoy" you said Bubby's eyes widened a little "I know that's the worst part he'll never like a mudblood like me" you said looking up at the ceiling sadly.

He was listening to you talk about this boy you liked, it made his heartached he's had a crush on you for a while now but he know you probably wouldn't like him back pulse your a mudblood his parents would not accept it but he didn't care what they thought because he knew he loved you but you clearly like someone else.

When you got to the name of the boy his head popped up immediately, he wanted to know if it was anyone he knew but then you said Draco Malfoy his eyes widened.

Your eyes wanted to shut but you tried your best to stay awake but it was useless you fall into a peaceful sleep. You felt Bubby moved into a ball form and he then fall asleep. The next morning you woke up and forgot that Bubby was laying on your chest, you sat up quickly and jumped out of bed, Bubby's head poped out from under the silk yellow covers "sorry Bubby I forget you where there" you said and picked him up "I'll be back soon didn't worry" you said to him then placed him back on the bed and changed into your school robes and headed to breakfast.

After your classes you rushed back up to your dorm room Bubby was asleep when you got there so you took this time to do your homework, it wasn't long before he woke up again "good afternoon bubby" you said he calmed on your book and looked at you "your probably hungry here" you said and held out a pice of bread for him. He finished the bread quickly, you played with Bubby for the rest of the day, someone knocked on the door "come in" you shouted your best friend came into the room "what has been up with you? you've been in your room the whole day after your-" she stopped when she saw Bubby, he calmed into your lap and fall asleep "surprise" you said quitely so you wouldn't wake Bubby.

"He so cute where'd you get him?" She asked "I find him on school grounds" you said she walked over and pet his head. After she left you headed down to dinner "I'll bring you something good to eat don't worry" you said to Bubby and shut the door. You brought back a little piece of chicken and some bread you opened the door and Bubby came running to you "hey Bubby I have your dinner" you said and placed it on the floor you changed your clothes and layed down in the bed.

Bubby came and layed down next to you and fall into a peaceful sleep. Then next morning you slept in because it was a Saturday you rolled over and ran into something you sat up  immediately and saw Draco fast asleep in your bed "Oi, Draco wake up" you yelled he rolled off the bed "what's worng?" He asked "why are you in my room?" You asked him "what are you taking about I've been in here for two days" he said it then hit you Draco was Bubby.

Oh shit.

"So you heard all that" you said "I did and I want you to know that I like you to and I have for a while" he said "what are you saying?" You said "Y/n l/n will you be my girlfriend?" Draco asked "yes" you said, he cupped your face and kissed you gently.

Word count:1120

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