Scorpius's first words

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Scorpius was learning how to talk, you and Draco were out for the day but left Harry to babysit with Ron and Hermione, which probably wasn't the best idea now that you think about it.

"Say Harry" Harry was trying to get Scorpius to say his name before Ron or Hermione's "his not going to say your name it's to long, say Ron" Ron said while picking Scorpius up "put him down your going to drop him" Harry said "no I'm not" Ron said "yes you are" Harry said and took Scorpius from Ron "you can't take him from me" Ron said while trying to get Scorpius back from Harry "yes I can" Harry said "guys stop it your making Scorpius cry" Hermione said while taking Scorpius from Harry.

"It's okay" Hermione said Scorpius calmed down a few minutes later and was much more happy now "say mione" Hermione said, the boys where fighting in the kitchen "say mione" Hermione said right when the boys walked into the living room "what that's not far" Ron said "yeah that's cheating we weren't even here" Harry said "it's not cheating" Hermione said "yes it is" Ron said "I agree with Ron" Harry said "whatever it's fine, because we all know he's going to say mione first" she said.

They started frighting about who's name Scorpius was going to say first "EVERYONE SHUT UP" Harry yelled, Ron and Hermione fall silent Scorpius started giggling "shut up" Scorpius said then continued to giggle "shit this is not good" Ron said while running his hands though his hair "shit" Scorpius said and then giggled "what are we going to tell Y/n and Draco?" Hermione said "aren't you the smart one" Harry said looking at her "well, this is the first time I don't know what to do" Hermione said "great now what are we going to do?" Ron said and sat down on the couch.

"Okay don't say anymore cuss words" Hermione said "okay" Harry and Ron said at the same time. That was working for a while, Hermione was making lunch and Ron was playing with Scorpius while Harry was asleep on the couch "HARRY" Ron yelled and Harry rolled off the couch making Scorpius laugh "bloody hell, Ron what?" Harry said "hell" Scorpius repeated "why would you say that?" Ron asked Harry "I wouldn't have said it if you hadn't scared me half to death" Harry said "Hermione needs help in the kitchen" Ron said "okay" Harry said then left to help Hermione with lunch.

"Okay I have lunch for everyone" Hermione said while setting down the tray of food, Harry had the drinks "hell" Scorpius said while smiling "what.did.he.just.say?" Hermione said "he just said hell it was Harry's fault" Ron said "come on it was an accident" Harry said "HARRY POTTER" Hermione yelled making Harry, Ron and Scorpius all jump "sorry" Harry said "shit" Scorpius said "don't say that" Hermione said "hell" Scorpius said "don't say that either" Hermione said while picking up Scorpius "shut up" Scorpius said "what?" Hermione asked shocked "I think you were told to shut up by a 12 month old baby" Harry said "that's a good baby"Ron said.

"Ron your not supposed to be happy about this" Hermione said "right sorry, that was very bad of you Scorpius" Ron said "that's better, what are we going to do?" Hermione said. They sat there not saying anything while Scorpius kept repeating those three words over and over and over again "okay we have to teach him something else to say" Hermione said "like my name" Ron said "or mine" Harry said "or mine, it doesn't really matter as long as he doesn't kept say those words by the time Y/n and Draco come back" Hermione said.

"Scorpius say Ron" Ron said while holding a stuffed bunny up Scorpius looked over at Ron "no Scorpius say Harry" Harry said while holding up a stuffed animal "no say mione" Hermione said while holding up a stuffed animal, Scorpius looked at all three of them and just giggled. The front door opened "fuck" Hermione whispered "fuck" Scorpius said "no don't say that, shhhh" Harry said "hey guys, how'd it go?" Draco asked "good" Ron said "fine" Harry said "great" Hermione said "well we better go now" Ron said and he, Harry and Hermione got up "okay bye" you said and picked up Scorpius "hi mama's back" you said "shit" Scorpius said then giggled. You and Draco looked at Ron, Harry and Hermione "" You asked "umm, he said that he had a really good time" Ron said "really because it sounded like he just said shit" Draco said "what he didn't say that" Harry said "fuck" Scorpius said with a smile "we really have to go" Hermione said and she, Harry and Ron ran out of the house.

"We'er never leaving Scorpius with them again" you said "agreed" Draco said while sitting on the couch "hell" Scorpius said "next time we'll leave him with my mom" Draco said as you sat down next to him. Draco, you and Scorpius was eating dinner, you and Draco were talking but stopped immediately when you guys heard Scorpius say something "did you say something?" Draco asked "shut up" Scorpius said while playing with his food.

Word count:883

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