Part 2

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4th September 2020

Dear diary, last month I recorded that song with Henny, I told Aphrodite that I recorded it a few months earlier so she doesn't think me and Henny are... involved, because we aren't, as much as she'd love to be. I feel so bad for Griffin, he doesn't deserve this, did she only use him to make me jealous. Thats Horrible! Caitlin's funeral?! Henny is truly awful, Aphrodite would never! Anyway the song is called "Say the same" , and it could really boost my career. We're filming a video where I have to pretend to want her to stay with me. Ugh. Anyway, at least I can invite Aphrodite to the release party and afterwards, when I am awarded with a recording contract we can sing a love song together. That would be nice. Oh she has such a beautiful voice, like the sound of sparrows in the morning. I think I'm gonna ask her out soon. This is beginning to be a new chapter in my life.

5th October 2020

Dear diary, Today after Musical Theater me and Aphrodite went for a walk. We walked from the CFAC (Chicken Fine Arts College) to the top of miner mountain. It was wonderful, we watched the sunset over the horizon and Dite looked so pretty as the late afternoon breeze swept through her feathers. We sat at the top of the mountain in silence, just... observing. Watching the stars pop into the sky as the sun gradually faded from sight. Watching the cars speed through the town below, the lights in the coops sharing their bright fluorescent glow with the world around them. Dear diary I can not tell you how long we sat there in silence, but it was so peaceful. Aphrodite was the first to break the silence. "This is so wonderful Booboo", She smiled, I couldn't see all the details in her face, but I could see her smile. The way her little beak scrunched up a little and the sides turned upwards. I smiled back, but she wasn't looking at me. I didn't care, this smile was not the kind of smile you give someone to be polite, it's the kind that just comes, the kind you don't even realise is there until afterwards, when your face has said what you were afraid to. That you really love the person sitting next to you. Love, I've decided, is worth the risk. It's worth knowing that you're too young and that it will end in heartbreak, because that's how you learn. Henny taught me something I could never have learnt if I'd broken it off, if I'd let people tell me that we were too young to be able to form a lasting relationship. She taught me that love and pain change people. With love comes optimism and kindness, pain brings paranoia and mistrust. She also taught me that you don't need to be around someone to be with them, because they imprint parts of themselves onto you forever. I started musical theatre because of Henny and that's where I met aphrodite. I guess you could say that my relationship with Aphrodite is a result of my relationship with Henny. Henny and I grew up together, we know each other in a way that many people can't. Even as Henny grows and changes I will always know her core. That part of her that can not change, because it is a part of you that has remained in your heart since birth. I know Henny... possibly better than her parents do and for that I will always love her. There is no other way, someone that you have been so close to since childhood is someone you will always care about, but whether or not I'm in love with her is up for debate. Now I want to grow closer to Aphrodite, to let that friendship grow and change me. I want to see what will come out of this. The moon now had taken its place in the middle of the sky, it was late and my mum will either be worried or asleep with her boyfriend. Me and Aphrofite made our way home, and when we reached the turn off onto Sulfur crest lane we said goodbye and went our separate ways. 

The Diaries Of Booboo Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now