Part 22

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15th of April 2023

It had been a month since Elly moved in. Geraldine still doesn't know, but we're telling her today. I'm so nervous, this could go so many ways. I still can't believe that she agreed. Why would she choose me. It's insane, I mean I know I'm a popstar sex icon who's also insanely charismatic and selfless, but she still deserves better. If that's actually a thing. We got in the car and blasted out my biggest hits. "YOU'RE SO DUMB YEAH YEAH WHEN YOU TALK MY BRAIN GOES NUMB YEAH YEAH" slowly I began to feel at ease with it all. Surely Dina can't mind that much, I mean we've known each other for ever and always got along, and Dina would only want us to be happy.

When we got to the restaurant I looked around. I couldn't see Dina yet, she must be inside. We walked in together hand in hand. My heart was pounding in my chest, my hands were shaking in a cold sweat. All I could see was a blur of chickens sitting at tables together and my ears were ringing with the inaudible chatter that filled the room. "BOO!", I looked up to see Dina staring at me blankly, "Booboo?' what are you doing, "Elly?", "Are you guys going to explain what the cluck is going on?!"

"Dina, we have something we need to tell you."

"I agree, what is this?"

"Me and Elly are... Well, we're together."


"Well Henny was in hospital with her overdose you know and I was single." I looked to Elly for reassurance, she didn't give much, but I kept going. "Being a single dad is hard, Henny, so I asked Elly to help me look after BBJ and I realised I didn't want her to leave. I love her! I always have, I just never realised, but you need to accept it for what it is, Dina, you need to at least try to be happy for us."

"Booboo, you're dating my best friend. Doesn't that make you uncomfortable, living with your little sister's best friend that you've known your whole life."

"She's so much more than your best friend to me, Dina."

"She's basically your sister!"

"I know it seemed that way, and it felt that way too, but it doesn't anymore. I spent so much time chasing dead end relationships that could never have worked and failed to realise that she was here all along."

"And what happens if this is another one of those dead end relationships?"

"How could you even say that, look how connected we are."

"I'm looking, Booboo and all I'm seeing is effectively incest."

'If that's how you're going to talk about this then I don't know if I want to be having this conversation with you anymore."

"Good. I'm clucking leaving." Geraldine shot the words at me like I was a bug she wanted to exterminate. By the time she'd picked up her bag I knew it was over. "Dina-"

"Don't call me that."

"Stop, don't leave it like this!"

"I'm gonna leave it however I would like to leave it. I don't care if we never talk again Booboo, you've betrayed me." She turned around and marched out of the restaurant. The sound of her heels tapping against the mediterranean tiles filling the now silent restaurant. I looked to Elly, who was struggling to hold back tears. "I think we should go home Booboo."

"How about lunch?"

"Home." I nodded and wrapped my wing around her back, ushering her out of the restaurant. I felt like I needed to shield her from the prying eyes of all the chickens that had now neglected their lunches to observe the spectacle we had caused. As we were leaving the restaurant, we were greeted by an army of paparazzi. "Crap. I forgot I'm a heartthrob, megastar."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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