Part 11

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1st August 2022

Well, Miss Stewart really delivered! Her designs were on point and we're already packing up our clothes and stuff to move in. Everything is really shaping up nicely which is good, but I've been having trouble convincing Henny to stay in school and get a job. She said she's gonna marry me so she doesn't need to. I had to remind her that with our history that she probably shouldn't put all her eggs in my basket. She thinks I'm being offensive, she was all like "It's different Booboo we have a child together!" I'm not so sure though, I mean obviously I wanna look after my son, but that doesn't mean that I'm gonna stick with Henny no matter what. I'd rather be apart from Henny and have split custody then have Booboo jr grow up in a hostile environment.

7th August 2022

Me, Henny and Booboo just moved into our new Featherly hills mansion!!! It's amazing, I'm so happy. I filmed a vlog about it, and I'm gonna edit it and upload it tomorrow. I also released the first single from my album yesterday. It's doing really well, in fact it topped the charts for a week!!! I'm due to perform it on the 'This evening show with Henny Tallon.' I'm super nervous. It's my first live performance in around a year. For my first album I didn't really do proper concerts. I had these shows called the Booboo sessions, where there were 100 tickets and we all kind of sat down and I sang. Those were really nice, I thoroughly enjoyed that, but my agent Galileo thinks this time I need to organise a proper tour so I'm going to a meeting to arrange that tomorrow.

8th August 2022

Today I went to my meeting with Galileo and he introduced me to my new publicist, Zeus jr. He seems cool, he also introduced me to Agony, a Hen who runs a tech geek company called 'Freitags Chaps'. Galileo thinks that I should put Agony incharge of all the tech stuff for my tour. I agreed because as if I know any better. After a lot of discussion with Zeus jr we decided to name it the knock knock world tour, after my first album. I'm booked to meet up with one of Agony's friends, Olivia Dalby who designs light shows and visuals and stuff. Pretty cool if you ask me. That's all we've come up with for now, but we have another meeting next week.

9th August 2022

The music video for my lead single came out last night. I know I forgot to write this but the song is called 'Who's there?' Henny was pushing me to have a release party which sucks, but I did and our son stayed at mum's last night. The party was HUGE! Geraldine came with Elly and thing's got a bit... They gathered a bunch of people in the living room and they um... They summoned Caitlin back from the dead. She's a ghost though, Elly said it's so that she just can't die on us all again. It was weird, but Cailtin was actually being really nice, though which was a fun twist on the night. It was really stressful though, I mean Maia was there, Aphrodite flew in from Italy with Luigi and My dad came... He brought Lorriane and she ditched him for the bar, he pulled me into the backyard to go for a walk with me. "So, kiddo, you're a pop star now?"


"That's cool."

"Yeah, you could say so." I tapped my wings against my hips, I really didn't want this.

"I guess your life has changed a lot, I mean look at your new house!"

"Yeah, it's nice."

"What made you move out?"

"Well, I have a kid now."

"You WHAT!?"

"I have a son, Baedon."

"First of all don't you dare ever call me that again! I am your dad."

"No you're not, you left and you lost that title."

"Booboo, as if you can start punishing me, you, of all people. You're eighteen, you have a different girlfriend every week, you aren't ready for a son."

"Well assuming you actually stay with the woman you had an affair with, that still doesn't make you a decent dad, you literally cheated, left and never spoke to any of us again."

"I had a son with Lorriane, his name is Sexy incase you forgot!"

"Yeah and you'd also just had a daughter with mum, you know Ovibelle is four and she still doesn't know she has a dad, she used to think I was her dad you mother clucking asshole what the cluck is wrong with you!?" And with that he left, he just marched off, like he did four years ago. I felt physically sick. It's like cement was being poured into my stomach, slowly drying, hardening. The lump in my throat grew into a boulder, wedging itself in my windpipe. I couldn't breathe. I began to cry, no sob, I sobbed like I'd never sobbed before. And I sat there at least 2k away from my mansion shivering in the cold, sobbing alone on the ground. I think I got bitten by some ants, or maybe that was just the stinging of my father's actions.

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