Chapter 2

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2 years later...

KIBUM - 18

During the weekends, I usually just stay home to relax and help my mom with household chores. I even do advanced reading so I could at least pass my subjects so I won't be held back.. Again...for the fourth time. Actually, I'm not terrible at school. I struggle but I can keep up with the lessons. Anyways, no I haven't failed any class. The reason why I got held back is because I don't get to finish the whole school year due to poverty. I also stopped for 2 years. You see, my dad's business got bankrupt, and well he's been blaming me for it. He said that I'm really a curse in this family. That ever since I came to their life, everything just became chaotic. Since the day my dad's business shutdown, we've been struggling financially. It doesn't help that my dad became alcoholic. Everone knows that I have a very bright personality, but what no one knows is that I have a very dark life.


"Park Jungsoo" His resume was dropped on the table infront of him. He stiffened a bit, the CEO is quite strict. He wasn't expecting to be interviewed by the CEO himself but oh well, he needs to calm down and focus. He really needs to get the job.

"Yes sir" He said politely

"According to your resume, you're a skilled cook. Tell me, do you have any experiences in cooking outside home?" The interviewer asked.

"I did experience cooking with the chefs of our restaurant before it was shutdown due to financial problems, but some of the recipe for the dishes we served there were my own. Since the restaurant is just like my second home, I can say that I didn't have much experience when it comes to cooking outside home but I can assure you that I make food with love and therefore the people who eats it will feel the love and comeback for more. I also take criticism, positive or negative since I believe that with criticism I can find a way to twist the flavor up a bit and make it even better." Answered Jungsoo. The interviewer gave him an awkward nod.

"What a speech young man, I think hosting would be a much suitable job for you." Said the boss making Jungsoo's smile falter a bit. "But I like your personality, very bright."

"Thank you sir" Jungsoo said

"So you owned a restaurant before?"

"Yes, my family sir. Sadly it was shutdown due to bankruptcy but we're all fine."

"I see." The interviewer said nodding his head. "Do you want me to show you around the kitchen?" He suddenly asked making Jungsoo's eyes brighten even more.

"Really sir?" he asked excitedly

"I am not that rude to not let my, hopefully, future employee show his skills. So yes." The interviewer said smiling as he saw the bright young man's happy face.

"Thank you so much sir, I promise I won't let you down" Jungsoo said with a very bright smile.

"I sure hope so, now follow me" Jungsoo followed the interviewer excitedly out of the office.

'Okay Park Jungsoo, you can do this. Just take a deep breath. You got this, I know you do!' He said to himself inside his mind. He is being too excited and nervous but the excitement turned into pure horror the moment he collided with someone causing the coffee to spill on the white longsleeved shirt of that someone. He saw everything in slow motion, including his chance of getting the job slipping away. He suddenly heard laughing and a soon to explode, employee?

'He looks too young to be an employee' Jungsoo thought but stilll.... He is freaking out.

"I am so so sorry sir" He said in a panic. "I-I didn't saw you, sorry. I wasn't looking, busy in my brain being excited and nervous" He admitted while playing with his shirt.

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