"No one in the living world could know"

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Chapter 1
Hawks POV

I walked up the stairs nervously, wondering why Dabi had texted me to meet him tonight, as just yesterday he had finally introduced me to the rest of the league. "What do you want?" I asked, looking at the scarred villain. "The truth, Hawks. I want the truth." I gulped nervously, he couldn't know, could he? "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Oh cut the bullshit. I got you into the league, I got you everything you needed, so hurry up and admit it already. I want to hear it from your mouth."

Crap did he actually know???? How?! "W-what do you mean?" He rolled his eyes. "You always were a terrible actor." How would he know that? And excuse me, I've become a better actor, thank you very much. "So cut it out, I just want you to admit it already, spy.

My eyes widened. He ACTUALLY DID KNOW???? "H-how?" He laughed dryly. "I knew from the beginning, birdbrain." I felt my breath hitch. Fuck, this was the end. He must've already told everyone. My cover was blown. "Oh relax, if I knew from the beginning, why would I tell everyone now? Jeez."

I pulled out a feather and pointed it at the villian, as if it could do anything. Dabi just rolled his eyes and turned it into ash. Well fuck. "Really, chicken? Still at it with these lame tricks? I thought youd get over it by now."

"Well, dumbass villain, jokes on you because the heros already have all the info they need! Your little band of villains will be locked up soon enough!" I bluffed.

"Psh, yeah right. You're bluffing. Besides, lock them up all you want, just dont touch toga and twice, and I don't care. Well you can lock twice up for a few months and get him to pay some things off, and maybe get them both some psychological help, but leave Toga mostly alone, she's under 18 so shes still a minor anyway, and they haven't really even done anything. As for the rest, do what you want. The league's priorities aren't mine anyway. I obviously don't care about their plans, why else would I have let you go this whole time?" I couldn't respond to that.

"Honestly, you really haven't changed much, have you? Im guessing you only realized how much of an ass endeavor is when you started to work with him, huh?" How does he know that??? "And you probably still have that endeavor plush somewhere despite it, don't you?'' OKAY HOW TF COULD HE POSSIBLY KNOW ABOUT THAT?!

Seeing my panicked and confused expression, the villain just snorted. "H-how do you know those things? How?!" Dabi rolled his eyes.

"You know, if anyone was gonna play the "trapped in a cage" card and get away with it, I knew it would be you. Cause it's true, you've always been in that cage. Locked away and fed lies by the commision. Want to know the only reason I didn't believe it?" Okay seriously how does he know this? "Because you never saw it as a cage in the first place, did you? It was more freedom then you had before, with your father, wasn't it, Keigo Takami?"

At that name, I swear I felt my heart stop.This villain which I seemed to have underestimated, was telling me things even I barely knew. He was telling me things no one should know. It was like he knew me better than I knew myself.

Now terrified of the villain before me, I pulled out another feather and lept forward, yielding it like a sword. Dabi just laughed, "your really as oblivious as ever, huh?" and the feather was soon ash. I pulled out another, and he did the same. The cycle continued, until soon I was panting and didn't have enough large feathers to continue. Dabi however, just stood there, smirking.

"How?" I whispered, collapsing to the floor. "How could you know these things? No one in the living world could know these things." He just chuckled dryly. "The answer to that is simple really, birdie. I simply shouldn't still be among the living." What was that supposed to mean? "Of course, I suppose it has been awhile, hasn't it Keigo? But you know what? Its so much more fun to have you figure it out for yourself." I looked at him even more confused than I was before, and he took a step away. "well, see you later, Keigo." He said and disappeared from view.

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