"Little did Endeavor know...."

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Chapter 5/Epilogue
Hawks POV

It had been almost a week since I first realized who Dabi was, and now here I was, dealing with his shit of a dad. Seriously can't believe I idolized him- "Hawks. You have to go on patrol tonight. You know where.We can't have the league of villains up to something more. Even though your fully integrated into their group, doesn't mean they trust you. Starting 8pm." 

I rolled my eyes, double patrol, again? And at 8? That wasn't even an hour after I got off of the last patrol. Man. Istg I'm gonna kill this guy one of these days. Well that is, unless Touya does first. You don't hear me complaining. 

"Don't be late." Endeavor reminded me for the thousandth time today. "I wont tolerate you being late again." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah." What he didn't know was the reason I was late was because of his own son. Heh. But what he doesnt know wont hurt him, like how he wasn't to know it wasn't me doing those damn patrols. (Thank Twice for that, he's always willing to send clones of me to do patrols so I can rest.) I then had an idea and smirked, and pulled out my phone to text Dabi. 


Another unscheduled patrol tonight. 





 Your fathers an ass

Touy ♡︎

Ikr. And Id rather have your ass

 over him any night.



Well maybe I'll let you have some of it. 

Another night patrol sounds boring 

anyway. So want to have some

 fun instead? ;)


Whatever you want, birdie. 

See you tonight

I smirked to myself, "Hawks. Get off your phone. You better not be late for that patrol." I rolled my eyes and shut my phone off. 

"Wow, hes reminded you, what, a hundred times now?" Miriko cut in once Endeavor was out of earshot "After you were late only one time. Still, sounds like your fucked if your late again." I laughed. "Yeah." Little did (LMAO I JUST ALMOST TYPED HAWKMOTH INSTEAD OF ENDEAVOR HAHAHA) Endeavor know, the only thing fucking me was his wanted villain son. Oh tonight was gonna be fun. Still can't wait for that ass of a hero to die tho. 

Hey, author here, thanks for reading. If you liked it, I have a similliar story with the same layout called "One Word" if you want to check that one out too. My other Dabihawks story is "A Rekindling Flame" But its not yet finished. Anyway, thanks!

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