Chapter Twenty Two: Queer Behavior

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Victoria's POV
It's like looking at Vivi. Although they have never met some of their mannerisms are exactly the same. They tilt their heads the same way when they are thinking. They chew on pens and they laugh the same way. Yet as much as she could be Vivi, she's just not. I hate to say it but Harriet is boring and I miss that trouble maker I worked so hard to control. We never had a full moment.

When I used to try to make Vivi a lady, she would tell me ladies are boring and that she is not boring. She refused to be ordinary. Vivi has a spark to her that you either love or hate but a passive reaction is never an option.

"You keep staring at me. Just ask me."

"She doesn't read books." I snatched the book out of her hand. It's a romance novel. She would call it lame and predictable. "Or magazines. Vivi doesn't read anything not even instructions."

I'm supposed to make sure she is believably Vivi if I'm to see my extraordinary daughter again. I hate to aid this madness but sometimes sacrifices are necessary. Along the way I'll find a way out of this but for now I have to do what Armor wants.

"She must be shallow then."

Is she the smart twin?

"She's not book smart but she has survived without being an imbecile. Do you love books?"

"Yes. How else are we to learn if not to read?"

"As long as you are Vivi, you can't read anymore. Not even-"

"Instructions." She finished the sentence. "What was her favorite dessert?"

"Why do you ask?"

"The other day Freya offered me cookies and she said they are my favorite."

"Vivi is fond of eclairs. Anything with chocolate. Mostly anything with chocolate." I smiled to myself.

She nodded her head. "Does she like cookies?"


"So Freya was trying to trap me by offering me cookies and telling me it's her favorite." She noted. "Why are you here? Why did Armor let you go?"

"To help you not to screw up. It's my advise that you find somewhere else to live and not with a psychology student who happens to know my daughter. She's trying to figure you out."

"Am I not your daughter?"

How do I tell her I don't care which hole she crawled out from it that she has Vivi's face? I looked away facing the stunning views of the well manicured lawns. There are several gardeners working to make the lawns of the Harrington Estate perfect. "It's not that simple."

"It's a simple question. Yes or no."

"No." I answered solemnly. "You only have her face."

"How can I contact Henrik? Maybe we can go back to the chateau." She changed the subject immediately.

"He's supposedly your man. You tell me." I refused to help her steal Vivi's man. I have the phone number memorized but I won't share it. "You can ask Freya or Fiona but wait! Vivi had it memorized!"

She glared at me.

She may have my daughter's face but she's not mine. She will never be mine.

"I can already see who you love more."

"Point of correction dear. The only one I love is Vivi. I don't care for you. I don't know you. I'm here for my real daughter."

"Then tell me how I can reach Henrik or I'll mess this thing up.

The Sinclair Series Book #1: Tragedy Of Love Where stories live. Discover now