Chapter Twenty Five: Processing...

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Vivi's POV
"After the death of your twin, the idea came to mind. It could have easily been you in that car that day but it was her and your enemy believed you were dead. She left you alone to live in peace." Zeke extended his hand to me. "Come on, get up and come inside. We can talk over a cup of tea."

He looked up at the dark clouds. He does not like rain. In some other life he would have been a cat.

I accepted his help. He pulled me up steadying my trembling body. I'm in denial. He looks the same. There's color on his face and warmth in his body. He is real and very much alive.

He offered me a cup of tea once we settled inside. We sat facing each other at the small dining table in the kitchen. It's hard to believe that he is right in front of me. Why am I still asking if he is real?

"A doppelganger. " I whispered. "How? When did you do this? How do I know it's really you or you are the dopleganger with my husband's face?"

"I'm not the doppelganger. I'm the real Li Jie. Hon, I'm not lying to you. I'm real. I found a man with a similar appearance, height and build. He... Like Sly, he was living on borrowed time. I convinced him to have my face. He learned my mannerisms. He became me as a substitute in situations I doubted. He came into fruition after my brother's repeated attempts to take my life."

"How did you compensate him?"

"Two payments. One for the time he served me and the other after his demise. His family was generously compensated."

"When I was at war with my wicked twin you were dreaming of your very own? How do you even compensate someone for the loss of someone they love? How much money is enough? What the bloody hell were you thinking by taking a man away from his family?"

"I didn't force him. He made that decision. I out my offer on the table and he took it. I didn't force him."

I scratched my head. I'm living a twisted life. Ordinary is a wonderful option right about now. I'll definitely take ordinary for this madness. My mind is going to explode.

"We buried a stranger! We mourned a stranger!"


"How did you know you were going to die? Wait! Was it you that morning? The morning before your death, was it you?"

"It was always me. You have never met my doppelganger until you saw his corpse. I promise you, it's me."

I took a moment to process. I set the cup of tea on the table to avoid scalding myself with the hot liquid. It's him. I don't doubt it anymore but I can't process it either. I can't accept that he's here right now. He placed his hand on mine. "Hon, I love you. I'm sorry that I put you through that but I couldn't leave you alone. I had to find a way to survive so that we can be together."

"How did you know you would die?"

"Sly was playing both teams."

"What do you mean? Was she selling us out?"

"She was spying for me by faking loyalty to the triad. When she told me what my nephews were planning, I was able to avoid it. I put my doppelganger in place and I disappeared. I came here."

And she never bothered to mention that my husband is alive. She's loyal to a fault.

"Where is here?" I gestured around us. "Where are we?"

"We are in Peru. You're tense. Perhaps some mediation-"

"How long have you owned this house?" I interrupted him. My thoughts are all over the place. I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything that is happening.

The Sinclair Series Book #1: Tragedy Of Love Where stories live. Discover now