Where Did He Go and Welcome To Taki:Part 2

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It's been an entire week since any one's seen Naruto and there all getting worried so the konoha 10 along with sensei's and the 2 sannin they all went to Naruto's place to see if he was dealing with any thing.

knock knock knock

"Hey Naruto are you home every one want's to go get ramen do you want to come and join us!" Sakura shouted out making sure that Naruto would be able to hear her.

1 minute

2 minute's

4 minute's

"Alright Naruto i'm coming in weather you like it or not!" Tsunade shouted as she kicked the door off its higges sending it to the floor. when Tsunade walked in and saw no one she began to panic.

"Where and the hell is that boy." Tsunade said.

"Tsunade your not going to like this." Jiraiya said as he waved his team mate over.

Hello any one who is reading this

I am leaveing the village, for good. Sasuke was right when he said that this village was holding him back. I see that now and i want nothing more to do with this village. The only thing that i truely need is power i dont need any sentimental fools to call freinds. this is good bye forever.



Once the note had been read by every one there wasnt a single persone that didnt at least feel sad over the lost of the blonde. Sakura and Hinata where hurt the most along with Kakashi and Jiraiya.

The rest of that day was spent crying by most other's mad at them selfs for not being able to sop this from happening.


"Halt state your name an-" Both the guards throats where slit in an instant as the bodys fell two clones apperaed and grabed the body's befor they fell to the ground.

"You two know what to do with the bodys." with a nodded from his clones he moved forward into the village."Welcome to taki."he said befor entering. 


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