Questions:Part 6

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"How and the hell are you not freezing right now."Fuu asked as she was shaking like a leaf in a tornado.

"Because i wear a track suit under my cloack not only that but i'm not the one that ran out into the cold with skimpy clothes on." Naruto said as he recived a glare that could send fear down any normal mans spin.

"Oh shut up jackass you know how hot Taki gets." Fuu said as she thought of her old home.

"Yes i do know how hot Taki gets i also know how cold the land of iron gets." Naruto said with a smug smile.

"Just shut up and give me your cloak." At Fuus command and with a mock bow and a 'as you wish your royal pain in the ass' Naruto gave Fuu his cloak.

A few minutes later Fuu let out an irratated growel whilst shaking.

"Alright how and the hell did you stay warm with this thing on you where perfectly fine but here i'am still freezing my ass off." Fuu said as she glared at Naruto who turned his head around to show his left eye witch has been covered by his head banned to consever his chakra.

"Because i move my chakra threw my body not only that but."Naruto said as he pulled some thing out of his pouch."I have heating seals." Naruto said as he dodged a kuni that Fuu threw at him.


"Well you never asked for one." Naruto said as he turned his body to look at Fuu with his one visable eye.

"Just shut up and give me one." After Fuu said that she was given 2 heating seals instantly placing one onto her self befor putting the other one away.

"So are you fine now your royal pain in the ass." Naruto said as he gave Fuu an eye smile.

"Yes actually im perfectly fine now thank you for asking now then i have a question." Fuu asked as Naruto turned his body to face forward.

"I may have an answer."

"Why'ed you come to Taki."

"I went to your village so i could steal the sharingan from your infomest 'Mirror Man'."

"so it was you who did it well thanks to you i had some of the worst mobs i've seen in my life come after me."

"Yes i also came to Taki for you and im sorry that my actions have caused you harm but it was all apart of my plan."

"What plan."

"The plan i've had since i learnd that my mear presence in the leaf could destroy the village."
"Wait so your a jinchuriki to."


"Well all of us jinchuriki can destroy are village if we release them into are village."

"Thats not what i mean."

"Then what do you mean."

"Theres a group of people that are after us for what we have when i learnd that because of me that all of my freinds could very well die in an attack on me by this group i left konoha severing every tie i had with it so this group would have no reasone to attack the leaf." Naruto said as he looked down at his feet sadly as images of his life went threw his head as he thought of what could have been if things were differnt.

"Wow, i dont even know what to say thats just wow."

"Its nothing special im not the only one whos done things like this to save our home." Naruto said as he thought of a certin uchiha.

"Are all konoha shinobi like this you and this other guy your talking about."

"No not all of us but some of us will go above the call of duty when the time comes not only sacrificing our live's but if it comes to it even the live's of are freinds family hell if the situation calls for it even are own children are used to save the village and i think we both know that the last one is true." Naruto said as he looked back at Fuu befor turning back around.

"Yeah i gusse we both do." Fuu said as she brought her hands up to rap the cloak closer to her." I have another question."

"Go on."

"Why do you have the cloak of the fourth hokage with you did you steal it from konoha befor you left or what."

"Lets just say that it was always going to be mine."

"That didnt really answer my question so i'll give you a new one why are we in the land of iron."

"I answered your question but oh well and the reason where here in the land of iron is to for some info i got on this group i'm talking about its also the place where i'll beable to get my book signed by one of the worlds greatest and most famous author." Naruto said with an eye smile.

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