Mirror Man:Part 3

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Naruto was currently watching as to men fight each other in an all out spar where there using every thing they know. one of those men was the 'Mirror man' who was using the sharingan to block and counter attack his apponets attack's.

"Take this Takodo 'water style raging wave's'." Miro Said as he sent a tourent of water towards his sparing partner takodo.The jutsu hit its target and sent takodo flying into a tree.

"haha Miro you are by far the greatest opponet i've ever faced lets go another round." takodo said.

"No thanks takodo im tired all ready not only that but it seem's like you have a summon's." Miro said pointing to the bird that was flying up above.

"rats oh well i'll see you later Miro." Said takodo as he ran off to the takikage tower. When takodo left Miro but his head band over his left eye like how the famouse copy nin does.

"I've seen enough I'm satisfied." Said Naruto as he walked out of the shadows with a straw hat on to hide some of his face.

"Who are you and why are you here." Said Miro who lifted his head banned once more to look at his stalker.

"Who I am mean's little to nothing to you and why im here is for that." Naruto said as he pointed at Miros sharingan.

"Heh like you'd be able to take it from me your nothing but a kid." On the out side Miro was talking big but on the insided.'Even if he's a kid i can easly kill me once im out of chakra i need to either escape end this fight as fast as possible or atleast create enough noise to get some one to come and see whats going on.'

"your thoughts right now are on the fact that your low on chakra and how you either need to escape, fight me and try to win befor you lose to much chakra, or to create enough noise for some one to come and see whats happening right.

"Damn you."

"I assume im correct."

"Assume this jack ass." Miro said as he pulled out a kuni and ran at his attcker.

"Oh so you decided to approach me is that it."Naruto said as he pulled out a three pronged kuni and entered battle with Miro who swiped at his head frocing him to duck under the slash. seeing an oprotunity Naruto kicked Miros legs out from under him causing him to fall but he caught him self and went to kick Naruto in the fcae but the kick was blocked so he decided to creat some space. when Miro landed on the grounded away from Naruto his vison began to bler.'No i cant lose now come on your the mirror man you can die like this.' with a shake of the head miro ran at Naruto agian put his vision fell to the sided as he fell over.

"It seem's the poison finally took affect." Naruto said as he moved forward to crouch infront of the fallen ninja."You fought well even after wasting so much chakra i respect you for that but i need that eye of yours."After saying that Naruto unsealed a vile feild with a green liquid, he quickly moved over to miro's face and began to remove the eye. Once the eye was out Naruto placed it into the vile of liquid and sealed it away again."far well Miro the Mirror Man."With that Naruto left as the man died there.

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