Chapter Thirty-One ~ Tears of joy

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After reading the letter, I couldn't help but cry like a big baby. Jaehyun looked confused and worried as I bawled my eyes out. "Mark, can you take Mi-Kyong inside so I can talk to Nila alone" Jaehyun says, and Mark is quick to do it. Jaehyun sits next to me holding my face and wipes my tears as he tries to figure out what is wrong. "Nila, what's wrong?" he asked. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. "It's Yerin, the letter she wrote was an apology. She said that she was sorry to us for what she did, and she also got back together with Eunhyuk. She finally found happiness and she wishes to visit us soon" I said sniffing a little.

"Okay but don't tell me why you're crying" he says. "I'm crying because she brought up an old memory that is very special to me". Jaehyun looked at me and had no expression at all, he stood up and began walking back to the house. "Wait, why were you looking at me like that?" I asked standing up. Jaehyun stopped in his tracks and looked back at me. "You're crying over a small memory that seems stupid!" he yells. "Well, it's important to me!" I shouted back and began to walk in the opposite direction.

Jaehyun looked confused as to where I was going, "Nila, where are you going?!" he yells. I turned around and looked at him, "I'm going to go to the smoothie bar and talk to the cute new worker since you don't care about my feelings!" I yelled and continued to walk along the beach towards the smoothie bar.

After she said that, Jaehyun had to think of which guy she was talking about. He then remembered, it was the guy that always tries to hit on her and makes her laugh at his jokes and all even though he knows she has a kid and all. Jaehyun started to run after her which was hard because of the sand slowing me down a little. Jaehyun caught up with her and wrapped his arms around her to keep her from going any further.

"Don't even think about going there, you are mine only" Jaehyun said and rested his head on the crook of her neck. "Mr. Jung, I suggest you let me go or you will be sleeping on the couch tonight" she said putting her hands onto his arms to pry them off. "No, never I don't even care if I sleep on the couch as long as I have you in my arms" Jaehyun said and kissed her cheek. He saw her begin to smile, "Okay, okay. You can let go; I'm not going anywhere" she said. Jaehyun then released my arm, and she turned around to face him.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" she asked, smiling up at Jaehyun. "No don't worry, I'll be cooking tonight instead while you rest and be healthy for our baby" Jaehyun said and put his hands on his stomach to feel the baby. He leaned down and placed a kiss on the stomach before standing back up and holding Nila's hand while they headed back to the house. They go in and change back into their regular clothes. Jaehyun goes downstairs to prepare, and he looks up to see in the living room through the kitchen Mark playing with Mi-Kyong.

"Hey Mark, when are you going to get a girlfriend?" he asked. "Well right now, I'm kind of talking to somebody but we haven't hit the couple stage in our relationship, plus I'm busy trying to focus on Haechan and I's little business we opened up with the rest of the dream members" Mark says. "Oh yeah, what's your business about?" Jaehyun asked. "Well, it's a cafe and we make our own personal drinks we love and sell them". Jaehyun smiled and started to cook dinner for the family.

I walked into Jaehyun's office and went to his desk taking a piece of paper out along with a pen. I started to write a letter back to Yerin. After about what seemed like thirty minutes, I folded the paper and put it in the envelope and wrote her address on it from where she sent it from. I then sealed it and then began to get up until I heard a vibrating noise. I looked over and saw that Jaehyun got a text message, me being nosey I opened the text and read it. I saw the name Stephanie on it and what she sent. 'I set everything up, see you tomorrow night'. I read it was a little confused, I hope it's not what I think it is.

I then went into my room and placed the envelope on my nightstand, so I won't forget to mail it out tomorrow. I go downstairs to see Jaehyun placing food on the table and taking off the apron. I looked to see what he cooked, and it looked so delicious everyone sat down and said grace before eating. After we ate the food, the house keepers cleaned up and Mark left. Jaehyun went upstairs to finish the paperwork he didn't finish, and I decided to put Mi-Kyong to bed.

I sat in the nursing chair and started to read her the book Goldie Locks and The Three Bears and after reading to her. I held her and gently bounced her to sleep. Soon she fell asleep, and I laid her down in the crib and covered her up. I walked out the room and closed the door gently, I went to check to see if Jaehyun was in the room in which he wasn't. I took a long warm shower and put my nightgown on. I walked out to see Jaehyun's hair wet and in his night clothes. He must've taken a shower in the guest bathroom.

I then started to moisturize my skin with lotion and did my night routine before getting under the covers. Before I laid down to go to sleep, the text message lingered in my mind. "Jaehyun, earlier when I was in your office a lady named Stephanie texted you saying everything was ready and she will see you tomorrow, what did that mean?" I asked. Jaehyun looks at me, "It's nothing just for work that's all". "Doesn't seem like work to me, Jae just tell me what the text means" I said. "It's work that's all and I have to see her tomorrow for something important" Jaehyun says, putting his work tablet down now facing me.

"What's so important that you can't even tell your wife because you better not be cheating on me while I'm carrying your child!" I raise my voice a little. "Nila calm down, I'm not cheating on you, and I can't tell you for work purposes" Jaehyun says. "Okay, we'll see about that" I said and then took a pillow and placed it between us. "Don't cross the line tonight. I don't want to see, talk, or cuddle with you tonight" I said and then laid down going to sleep. 

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