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Cadence and Twilight look at each other and back at the shards in front of them "I want to check on more time just in case there's something we missed" Twilight said to Cadence "I agree, we should check one more time before we tell the others, just in case". Cadence castes the spell one more time and the two engulfed in white light

The scene, instead of being in the room where the core resided was instead being carried by some pony who was running. The pony was using their magic to carry the core which caused the perspective to be shaky. The surroundings was in total havoc, buildings were on fire, many things were collapsing, the skies were covered in smoke and bodies were scattered everywhere. The pony started to run faster and took flight, it would seem the pony was part of the royal family of the dynasty. The pony continued to fly above the burning kingdom until they landed in an open wheat field and in front of an abandoned barn.  The pony sighed and steadied the core in the ground and left it to float on the air, the pony who was carrying the core the whole time was the Queen Isis. She had her mane tied to a bun and she had multiple injuries but nothing too life threatening. She wore iron armor the covered her whole body but was pretty beat up and a few pieces like the leg piece was missing. Outside was the sound of flapping and an armored figure with the same armor only with a helmet that resembled an owl landed and entered the barn, the pony's armor was literally almost gone with only the chestplate and a few leg pieces still attached.

"Mother" Saros greeted while removing his helmet "Saros dear, thank goodness you're still in one piece" the queen said while hugging her son who was a few inches taller than her but that didn't really stop her "Is this really the only solution?" Saros asked "Well it's not exactly a solution but it's something that will help us all today and in the future" Isis reassured "Destroying the core is just a little bit to extreme don't you think?" Saros asked not so keen with the plan his parents came up with "Your aunt goes to great extremes to get all the power she desires and if she gets a hold of the cores magic, we are all doomed" Isis explained "We could always try to other pla-" before Saros could finish his mother interrupted "We are NOT trapping you in the core Saros, I'm not subjecting you to possible tears of isolation!" Saros sigh but and was about to say something when he heard flapping outside and the barn doors blasting open "Well, well, well, I see I have finally found what I needed" the intruder said. The pony had a grey coat and a silver flowing mane, they had both wings and a curved blood red horn, they were clearly female and wore gold armor that had red rubies designing it, she looked like a barn owl from her coat patterns but the most notable and terrifying part of her was her black void eyes.

The pony gave a malicious smile and Isis stepped forward "Umbra... " she growled "Isis! Oh how good to see you again! I was wondering where you went after that little escape you just did and your husband did a good job in distracting me but as expected sparring was never his best skill... " Umbra said still maintaining that evil grin "What did you do to father?!" Saros asked with a growl "He's probably burning with the dynasty as of now" The mare answered. With anger, Saros lunged at Umbra but Isis used her magic to bring him back to her side "Stand down son" "Yes dear Saros,  stand down for it is rude to attack some pony just having a casual conversation" Umbra said with a grin "There's nothing casual about this at all" Saros mumbled to himself.

The three all started at each other until Isis looked at Umbra "If you want the core just know we won't let you have it" Isis said while glaring at her sister-in-law "That's cute but down to business give me the core and nopony will have the shed blood" Umbra said "Over our dead bodies" Saros told Umbra. Umbra chuckled "So be it" Umbra summoned a sword and strikes at Isis who quickly dodged the blow and summoned crystals projectiles that strikes at Umbra who was to slow to dodge a few of them. Umbra growled and sent a laser of dark magic from her horn that made her dark eyes turn neon green and purple smoke to come from her eyes. Isis counters the laser with her own and the two started a very violent magic duel, Saros looked at the fight and back at the core, he knew what he needed to do but it was suppose to be his mother who did it. The plan was to use a specific spell the basically to comatose the core so even in tiny shards it shouldn't be able to bring any magic unlike when you just destroy it it would still be active. He looked back at the battle and he knew his mother getting tired and he was no match against his aunt so he rushed to the core and castes the spell. His horn started to glow from its light lavender to total black, the black magic started to in circle the core and started to do it work "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU FOOL?!" Umbra screamed at rage, she ran to Saros spot but Isis quickly tackled her and tossed her to the wall with magic and in her weaken state sent a few projectiles to her way which hit Umbra in multiple parts of her body "You think you can beat me Isis, I know you're getting tired,  why don't you just give up? " Umbra said getting up from her position "Never, I will never give up for I would be giving up on my family and kingdom" Umbra laughed at the answer "Your "family" is no more and your kingdom in flames, you have nothing but your pathetic son left" Isis laughed and smiled "The was may not be physically here but they dwell with us all the time" umbra scoffed "So if you can summon the dead for one night,  you just give grief to those who have to watch their loved ones spirits dwell among them as a cruel reminder that their dead" Isis looked at her and sighed "And that's what you will never understand about our abilities and the concept of family" "Maybe if father didn't favor Tenebris and Tania so much maybe I would have..."

Meanwhile Saros was sweating as the spell started to strain him more. The core started to crack and fall apart when suddenly Saros started to really struggle and lost control of the dark magic and everything went white while hearing a few faint shouting.

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