On the bus!

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3rd person POV:
It was the day of the training camp. Hinata woke up extra early to get ready for it. He was nervous and scared. He kept getting thoughts of people making fun of him for preferring not talk and just stay quite all the time. He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and wore the karasuno volleyball uniform. He the went to the kitchen and made himself a sandwich and in minutes he was out riding his bike on his way to school.(during training camps there is no school). When he arrived he was greeted with Suga who was first. And soon enough everyone was there. When the coach arrived he sorted the people in pairs.
Tanka and ennoshita
Suga and daichi
Asahi and noya
Tsuki and yams
Kageyama and hinata
Nartia and kinoshita
Yachi and kiyoko
"We will be going to Tokyo for this trading camp got it?" He asked "HAI" everyone screamed except of hinata. He just nodded. During the ride hinata fell asleep on kageyama. When kageyama noticed that hinata was laying his head on his shoulders he became a blushing mess. He kept staring at hinata admiring his beautiful hair, eyes and basically everything about him. He calmed down and looked through the window. He started thinking about why hinata was freaking out when he stared looking at him and so was tsuki. Half way through the ride tsuki decided to do something unexpected. He stood up and went to the direction of hianata and kageyama. Tsuki realized that kageyama was deep in thought and wanted to ask him about it and surprisingly kageyama didnt argue and told him everything. He told tsuki how hinata started shaking when they where alone in from of the gym and how he spaced out a lot. Tsuki just nodded to everything kageyama said. "Oh ya btw why did you hug hinata yesterday at practice?" Kageyama asked. "Well he looked stressed and scared and was about to cry to I just did it" tsuki answered. They both decided to keep at eye out for hinata and made sure that someone was with him all the time during training camp. Both kageyama and tsuki likes hinata but no one knew yet not even themselves. Tsuki went back to his seat to be welcomed with questions by yams. He just ignored him and said he wanted to ask the king something. Yams just nodded and went to take a nap. They arrived at 3:48. Everyone was still asleep I except of the coach and Takeda. Brown

Mute hinata/betrayed hinataWhere stories live. Discover now