2~Sage Academy

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 Weeks have passed and it's finally time for the story to start. That's right, we're heading to Sage Academy! Sage Academy, according to the novel, is a prestigious public school that few are able to attend. A lot of the attendees are from rich families. Those who aren't from a rich family are able to attend through a scholarship. It has many programs that students can choose to be in.

 Now, it's time to get serious. I can't gauge how obsessed Virgil is with Lavinia now, but I can only hope it's lowered. If not... then I'll have to get serious.

After half an hour of driving (Lavinia's mom was the one driving Virgil and I to Sage Academy), I was able to make out a large building in the distance. Sage Academy. The main setting of The Garden of Lavinia. Who knows what'll happen once I'm in there! I look at Virgil who fell asleep with his head on my shoulder. I wake him up before pointing to the building that's getting closer and closer.

"Jill, we're here! Sage Academy is even bigger than it was in the pictures!" Virgil yawns and rubs his eyes. "It sure is pretty big..." he says, looking at the direction I pointed at.

In the novel, Sage Academy was described as a giant, gothic-style building. I don't know too much about architecture, but it sure is one heck of a beautiful building! Makes me wonder how long it took for this building to be made. Either way, seeing the academy up close and personal makes me feel a little giddy!

Lavinia's mom gets out of the car and does a big stretch. "Alright, we've made it!" she exclaims looking back at Virgil and I. Taking our bags and suitcases in hand, we rushed into the academy.

The academy had a dormitory system that was separated by grade. The dorms were just a small walk away from the academy to make it easier for students to get to their classes on time. Each grade had their own dorm building that was 10 stories tall with all four buildings arranged in a circle with a marble fountain in the middle. While the buildings were a dark grey, different colors that symbolize each grade were found on the doors, windowsills, and other places. Yellow symbolized the first years, green symbolized the second years, blue symbolized the third years, and red symbolized the fourth years. Close to the academy was the greenhouse, a place where Lavinia and the male lead would hang out and get closer since they were both a part of the same program.

After saying our goodbyes to Lavinia's mom, Virgil and I headed our way to the dorm buildings. With a school personnel leading the way, I took the liberty to look around. There were bushes and trees as well as a cobblestone road that led to the dorm buildings. I saw students who arrived early socializing. It feels weird that all this much life is in a web novel. I guess even after weeks of being inside this web novel, nothing exactly feels real.

After making it to the freshman dorm, Virgil and I went to our separate dorm rooms. As expected, we were just across the hall from each other, just like in the web novel! I don't know what Virgil's dorm looks like yet, but I like the look of my room! According to the novel, students share a dorm room with two other students in year one and two and one other student in year three. The room had pale yellow walls accompanied with a wooden floor and three beds on the left side of the room with three dressers on the right side. A small, wide balcony was across the room from where I was standing, which was in front of the door. Next to the entrance was a door that led to a bathroom. I don't know too much about the names of my roommates and any information besides their description since the web novel never really discussed them that much. I guess since they were only going to stay with Lavinia for one year, it makes sense that the web novel wouldn't put much emphasis on them.

Since I basically had the whole room to myself and was the first person here, I decided that I was going to unpack my luggage and organize my stuff. And since I'm the first person here, I might as well claim the bed closest to the balcony!

If I remember correctly, there is an orientation presentation that all new students have to attend. I don't know what it's about as, once again, the web novel never really went into detail about it. And even if the web novel did, I doubt I could remember information like that. I only remember information about major events that happen. Either way, I should look at myself in a mirror and fix up on anything that seems out of place.

Looking at the bathroom mirror, I can see Lavinia's reflection staring back at me. Every movement I make, it copies. Looking at the reflection, Lavinia's wavy pink hair is tied in low twin tails with a white scrunchie holding them in place. And then, of course, there is that one strand of hair that never seems to want to stay in place. No matter how much I pat it down or use hairspray to keep it in place, it never wants to stay down. Quite stubborn this strand of hair is!

Looking at the clothes I'm wearing, nothing seems to be out of place. The rainbow t-shirt I have on is tucked in nicely to a pair of jean shorts. Double checking that nothing is out of place, I walk out of the dorm room and into the hallway. There, I see Virgil waiting for me in front of his door. When he noticed me, his eyes lit up. How adorable!

"Vinny, you ready?"

I give him a smile and a nod. Together, we made our way out of the dorm building and to the school. Since the school is quite big, we had to ask around for directions and, eventually, were lead to the academy's auditorium. After we sat down, it took a while for the presentation to start. When the presentation started, it really wasn't that interesting. It talked about the school's history as well as other things like the different programs, clubs and activities one can join, and so on. I left the academy's auditorium feeling slightly disappointed. That presentation was just like any other school presentation for orientation!

When Virgil and I made it to our dorm building, we said our farewells and entered our rooms. When I opened the door, I found two girls chatting amongst themselves. They must be my dorm mates!

I cleared my throat before I greeted them. "Hello, I'm Lavinia Gardenia! What's your name?"

The two girls stopped their chatting and turned to me. The girl with orange hair spoke first.

"Hey! I'm Vera Bronze. This girl is Krissy Arum." Vera gives a small smile and points to the girl next to her.

Krissy waves at me and says a small hello.

"Since we're roommates," I say as I start walking towards them. "Let's start to get to know each other!"

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