All my fault - Mark and Dark AU

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Puddles softly splashed underneath the man's feet, as he ran down sidewalks, through allyways, and behind buildings. Need has this man ran so fast in his life before. Why is he running? Well, let's rewind 2 hours, and 23 minutes earlier, shall we?

An uneasy atmosphere settled around the younger male on his couch, as he sipped on some coffee, but he didn't know why, so he just shrugged he feeling away, as he watched GrayStillPlays on YouTube.


Matthew choked on his coffee when he heard another male moan his boyfriend's name loudly from upstairs. He wearily eyed the staircase, a strong pain growing in his stomach. He stayed quiet, trying to turn he tv up, but his shaky hands wouldn't let him.

"Ah—oh, right there!"

His throat started to tighten, not allowing him to swallow. Even if he was able to swallow, he wasn't sure if he could. Tears threatened to fall down the recently divorced sheriff's cheeks, as he hugged his knees to his chest.

Even after all the pain he had to go through when he got divorced...

Matthew managed out a choked sob, as he had to listen to the male upstairs moan out Daxter's name.

Is Daxter leaving me, too?... he thought, as he let out quiet choked sobs, trying to breathe, but all he managed out with the sobs were gasps, and hard coughs, as he wiped away his tears, which in return got more tears to fall.

Was it his fault?

Was it something he did?

Whatever it was, it was making Matthew break down more. He wanted to scream. Yell. Cry loudly for his boyfriend, but he was sure that Daxter wouldn't come, since he's too occupied with other things upstairs.

It's been two hours, and Daxter hasn't come down yet, despite he fact that the yells, moans, and cries of pleasure had stopped

But then he heard footsteps.

He quickly looked up, but his breaths came out more shallow. Daxter was heading down, but there was a guy following behind him. His eyes widened, and his chest ached with pain and guilt when he saw the male.


His nostrils flared, and he held back another sob, as he watched them kiss each other goodbye, and fuck, Daxter's face.

Daxter rarely ever smiles, even when him and Matthew are showering each other in affection. But his smile...

He's never that happy around him. Matthew's breaths picked up, as slowly started hyperventilating.

Are they dating?...

Did he hurt Daxter in some way?...



Is—I-is it his fault he's dating someone else?

And that's how Matthew ended up running from where he onced lived together.

A place where they would cuddle, and whisper sweet nothings in one another's ear.

He let out a painful sob, as he ran as far away from the house as possible, his lungs burning and aching. Tears slipped down his cheeks, as he ignored Daxter's yells for him to back.

A place where Daxter fucking proposed to him, and treated Matthew like a King.

"Matthew please! It was all a big misunderstan—"


It was a dreadful silence after that, but Matthew didn't care. He wanted nothing to do with Dark anymore. He jus caught him cheating, and he's over there saying it was a misunderstanding?

The darker presence clenched his fists, as he snarled, a black tear slipping down his pale, porcelain skin. He huffed out a breath, and suppressed a sob, as he turned on his heels, walking back to the house. ".....This is all my fault..." Daxter whispered to himself, trying to hold back his tears.

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