The tiny Girl (sad)

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There once was a little girl, she was kind, curious and caring.
Her parents had divorced a few years ago and already other partners, which was very hard for the little girl.
Despite being kind and sweet, she only had two friends.
One of them was always busy with people due to her bright personality and the other one left her lonely for most parts because she was too busy chasing and pleasing other people too get noticed.

The little girl was very lonely.
She tried opening up to other people but all that the people did was people ignoring her.

She tried changing to other people's likings but all the others saw her as was boring and fake.

So the little girl searched for love in her fantasies.

She pretended to be a princess in a fairy tale that was on an adventure to save the country and had lots of loving friends.

And even tho she tried to be blind and deaf towards the other peoples reactions she could clearly hear them say she's weird and gossiping about her.

That made the little girl very, very sad.

Every time she entered school she felt a strong pain inside her tiny little heart.

She became so deperate for love and attention that she did everything the others asked.

Of course the others noticed so they used and abused her, knowing that she would keep quiet.

They did some very mean things to the little girl, they made fun of her, put their legs out for her to trip and fall over them, made fun of her, blamed her for everything that went wrong, made it so that she would get in trouble and talked about how funny it would be if she got hurt at the dinner table, with her right next to them.

And that seemingly wasn't enough because they also spread mean rumors about her and the girls bad luck didn't even stop there.

Her teacher and caretakers also hated her.

The teacher mentally abused her and always shouted at the girl, blamed her, hot super upset with every tiny failure she made and made the bullying even worse, making her afraid of screams, people and failure.

And every side in school screamed so loud that day by day more and more of the tiny, fragile girl died inside.

Till one day she asked her mother:"Mom, who am I?".

The little girl forgot who she was before all this pain and she questioned herself why she lived.

She smiled so bright infornt of everyone, even the ones who hurt her the most, she smiled so brightly through an infinite pain in her heart that had her feeling as if she were dead.

She didn't even call herself a human anymore, to herself she was just a shell.

She was always afraid of entering school, her body shaking from fear.

Almost every day after school she cried in her mom's arms.

And one day the mom took action and talked to the teacher with the little girl right next to her.

The teacher acted as if he was surprised to hear of the girl's pains and acted all nice and holy.

After the talk the girl told her mom about her teachers lies but the mom never believed her daughters words.

And while time passed on the girl became depressed.

Her favorite time of day became the night because no one would hurt her in her dreams and she only felt loved in her sleep.

The little girl never experienced love, not even from her parents.

They were kind to her and caring, but they always seemed tired and stressed from work.

While the girl was naturally bound to growning older her pain held her from doing so.

So the process of aging and the infinite pain pulled tighter and tighter at the little girl until she separated into two.

The first half became older and continued her life, while the second, original one stayed the soul of a girl that cried little waterfall like tears that vanished into nothing where they hit the ground...

The years passed and first girl grew into a young woman.

Her life became better and her parents became happy.

She had made friends and no one bullied her anymore.

She became smart and strong and she wasn't scared of others anymore.

She had learned to leave the past be and love herself.

But the second girl stayed the same...

And every time the first girl felt helpless, lonely or sad the second girl would visit her.

She would always stand silently beside the first girl and look at her with pitty in her eyes.

Then she would come closer and consol the first girl.

And while the first girl continued her life in a happy, bright world the second girl always stayed in a white, endless void, waiting to appear in the other world to dry the first girls tears once more.

The second girl didn't really exist anymore, she was just a soul, a ghost of a girl she used to be and that never learned to move on from her pain.

And even when the first girl was long gone from this big, big world, the tiny child was never able to leave.

Such a tiny, kind little girl she is, but so sad the fact that no one will ever try HER tears..

"As long as there will be humans on this world", the tiny child spoke, "I will still stay on this world to dry their tears"

The girl that never received any love, will never be able to finally rest in peace and will always travel from place to place to comfort those in incredible pain.
She would rather suffer the great fires of hell than to leave a voice unheared that suffered just like she did, because she knows the torture of being unloved and alone...

993 words

Hey Autor chan here! (:

I hope the story didn't make you too sad but was still to your likings! ^^

This is actually the first time I published one of my short stories and the reason I finally did was because of my friend @Totallynormal72 , who motivated me 2 do so! ^^

Special thanks to you buddy! :D ❤️👍🏻

Let me know if there's anything I can do better, if there's any errors in the story or simply comment about parts you especially liked or hope you liked the story in general! (:

If you have any ideas or wishes for a short story I will be more than happy to hear about it! ^^

I hope you enjoyed! :D

See ya~

-Autor chan

(art: artbymigena)
1118 words

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