Family photos (sad)

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That time in July I thought I will die.

These pictures, these beautiful happy pictures of people laughing, loving, doing silly things and showing their talents - they're killing me.

It kills me to see all those bright faces, it kills me to see all those smiles,
it kills me to see all those pictures,
it kills me to see all those people.

Family photos. A way to store beautiful memories for others but just silent torture for me.

I hate it.
I really hate it.
I really just hate it.

It hurts so badly to see these smiles, the smiles of so happy people on so, so beautiful pictures.

It hurts.

I regret that I don't have pictures like that.

It hurts. It hurts.. It hurts like hell...!

Why can't I have such beautiful moments...?!

Why can't I have such a beautiful smile...?!

Did I ever....?
Can I ever....?

Every time I see those god damn pictures I want to cry...

Take it back to the past, where the days were gold.

Where our hands always reached for the sun and our minds traveled far away, where our tears turned into diamonds and the pitter patter of our tiny feet filled the house.

I recall these days like they happened yesterday.

All those sounds of children laughing, giggling...

I remember when we used to rule the world. It was truly beautiful....

But now... now... it just feels like the world rules us...

When did the days start to get so heavy...?
When did the air become so unbreathable...?
When did we become so serious...?
When did we stop dreaming...?
When did we wake up...?
When did our little world shatter into pieces...?

When did we grow up...?

I didn't want to grow up...
I didn't want to wake up...
I never wanted this to end...

I feel unfilled...
I feel empty...
I feel like I missed out on everything...
I feel like everything happened to fast...
I feel lonely...
I feel restless...
I feel sorrow...
I feel lost...
I feel bad...
I feel broken...
I feel betrayed...
I feel like screaming...

I think I just died...

Someone out there if you hear me...
please... please just take me home...

I just wanna be a kid...
Oh god, I just want to be a kid again!

Stop showing me all these family pictures! Stop all these pictures inside my head!

Stop... please just stop reminding me of everything I ever denied...
Just... stop... please just stop reminding me of everything I never had...

423 words

Hey guys it's your author!

I actually don't have much to say this time except for the credits, lol. (' ^^)

Welp- the picture used is made by Mimi N, as you' ve probably seen in the title picture.
Check her out if you like her art is truely amazing! (*^^*)

That's all I have to say, see you! :D

~ Author chan
485 words

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