Author girl (sad)

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"She was a great author", her readers said.

"She loved writting little stories for her fans", her mother said.

"Heh yeah she was always in her own little world of words... Ever since she was small she loved books and was fascinated about everything she could do with words", agreed her father.

"She was always very good in school, her grades where at their top and she did well in the lessons", her teachers said.

They all looked at each other with expressions of bitterness.
It's gonna take a while until the bitter cold goes away...

What am I talking about?
Oh I'm sure you'd like to know, wouldn't you?

Well this is the story of a teenage girl.
Nobody remembers her name anymore that's how old this story is...

Nobody remembers her name but everybody remembers her story.

But let's start this story from the beginning, shouldn't we?

As I told you nobody remembers her name so let's just call her author girl.

Story girl was an ordinary girl.

She was in the teenage phase, which is known to be very stressful and hard. Finding out who you want to be and what you want to do in the future and such stuff..

I believe you know the drill.

And that's where the story of our author girl begins.

Ever since she was little she only wanted to write.
She wanted to write and never stop, she wanted all the words and all the tales in her head to flow in an endless river.

Writting and books were the only things she needed in her life.

This girl, our story girl lived in a completely different world than we do.

It was like words were the only thing that exusted. Everything was out of words.

The bed she always slept in, the desk she always used to do her homework on, the wardrobe with all her clothes, the second floor to her bedroom, the small bathroom and the kitchen her mom would always cook in.

Everything seemed to be made of words.
There were no colours just words and all their letters.

The very floor she stood upon and the sky she looked up to, everything in her tiny world was just words put into millions of sentences, each sentence telling a different story.

That's how our story girl saw the world.

Of course she didn't REALLY saw the world in words, she still saw her surroundings like a normal person.
Bit inside her head the world looked nothing like this.

To her the world was just a collection of stories.

Even a tree or a cloud could tell stories.

For example: a tree can tell you if there were fires years ago and if there was to less water or stuff like that.
And a cloud could tell the stories of the weather, of rain or of all the cities it traveled.

You get what I'm saying?

Well our little author girl took her inspiration from everything she saw, heared or felt.

She was famous on the net for her stories and she was very good too.
Yet no one knew about her stories, not her parents, not her other family members and especially no one from school.


That's where everything started...
Everything that lead to the story of our author girl.

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