Chapter 2

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Duracells in a Maglite,
A needle drop on a 45,
Are the kinda things that only last so long.

• • •

The search party has been around Afghanistan airfield for almost three months to find Tony and yet, there were no traces of him in the desert. And so far, the patrol team they set out day and night, haven't found anyone near Kunar as possibities to the ones who attacked Tony and the soldiers involved as Tony's escort as long as the launching event. They found no survivors, though they successfully evacuated all of the dead soldiers. Kunar, Afghanistan – the location that took place of Tony's Jericho launching – was torn at every angle and up until now, the US Air Force do not dare to send more troopers to find their enemies since they had two casualties from their last search party. Even a single digit cost them a lot.

Robin was sitting behind her desk in her office room, supposedly writing another report their General expected to receive by afternoon the day before, but she cannot seem to find any words to describe what she saw during her last tour. Aside from her brother being constantly on her mind, she was on Tony's tablet, continuing to find him with all she can. Of course, bringing a foreign device into any military headquarter is against the law because it could act as a threat towards the US Defence Department and she could be accused to betray her own country's safety, but she's needed in both worlds and she can't leave Tony's tablet in case it alerted her on Tony's location.

When there was a knock on the door, Robin quickly put the tablet away from the incomer's eyes and sighed in relief when it was only Rhodey who appeared on the other side of the door.

"Oh, it's only you."

Rhodey entered Robin's office and closed the door behind him. "What's with the trouble look?"

"I might have brought an illegal device into the military compound." Rhodey's eyes followed her movement as she brought the tablet back on her table and sat down on one of the two vacant chairs opposite Robin. "Tony's locator."

"I'm amazed with your braveness, Robin, but you could lose your position if you're found guilty."

"I want to be the first person to be notified if we found Tony's whereabout. I can't leave this thing behind."

"Maybe you should apply to be an intelligence working for the military, instead. It could save you in every aspect – your life, your career, your safety. And you might get paid more, too."

Robin smiled with the Colonel's idea. Both of them know how much money Robin already has in her bank account from her parents' wills and how much money Tony gave her as allowance just because he wants to, but Robin still wants a solid job. "You're not wrong about that, but I like it better with what I'm doing now. Apparently, unlike Tony, I don't like working as freelancer. By the way, what brings you here, Rhodes? They saw something in your radar? About Tony perhaps?"

"None of the above. I just wanted to see you. See how you're doing. You know it's been three months since the attack with no break. It must took its toll on you."

This time, when Robin smiled, she smiled genuinely towards Rhodey, touched with his effort to wanting to know her well-being. "I'm fine, thank you."

Robin saw the look on Rhodey face, a look where he was judging her answer about herself. "You're doubting me."

"Let's just say that I know you well enough that you haven't eaten much since Tony went lost. Look, I know you're worried about Tony. I'm worried about him, too, but you should take care of yourself. Your troopers need you for your next mission."

Robin rolled her eyes on Rhodey, feeling her heart breaks a little when Rhodey mentions about her job. "So it's them that you're worried about. Colonel, I will give everything for my unit. You don't have to worry about them. And as far as we both know, there were only have two deaths under my command.

"Oh, and do I have to remind you that I almost take your position in the Weapons Development Unit, but I requested a transfer as an instructor on the field, knowing that there is a better officer who deserves that position. Look, Colonel, if there isn't anything important to talk about, I suggest you to leave before I reported you to the General. And I have a report to finish."

Robin turned to attention towards the computer screen in front of her, though she found it difficult to do so with the Colonel staring at her. And the existence of Captain Marshall soon after might seem to save their awkward situation, but Robin was well-aware of how the Captain's eyes switched from Rhodey to her cause a big suspicion. And before Captain Marshall open his mouth to say anything, Tony's tablet made a sound. Robin and Rhodey spontenously had their eyes on the tablet.

"What's that?" Captain Marshall asked as he watched Robin picked up a foreign device. His stance told Robin that he's ready to fall back and take cover in case the device is a bomb. His eyes told Rhodey that he was careful not to trust the person who's holding it.

"Captain, I need to trust you not to tell anyone about this." Robin put the device in front of Captain Marshall's face and the Captain instantly backed away. "This is not a bomb! I promise, Captain. This is a locator. Like its name, it is use to locate a person. Tony made this himself and I'm using it to locate him."

Captain Marshall watched the device a few more seconds, waiting for its reaction. He doesn't want to believe Robin. It is easier if she was wrong so he could report to the court and drag her for an investigation. He will tell what he saw as witness, then, he'll be free, but luck was not on his side today. The device in Robin's hand, though was still making a sound, but it never exploded.

"We sent our allies for a search party. We have intelligence working on the codes and to translate their languages. They're doing their best to find the CEO of Stark Industries."

"I know, but that's them. This is me."

"Are you planning on dragging me to courts martial with you? Colonel, do you know about this?" He looked as if he wanted someone on his side before he brings this issue to the court.

"As much as I want to say no, but I'm sorry, Captain. Tony Stark is my friend from MIT and I know what he's capable of. It might be illegal for her to bring it here, but looks like we found the missing person first."

Captain Marshall slowly backed down towards the door. "I'm reporting it to the court. It's against the military law. You're putting us in danger."

"Captain! No!" Robin didn't mean to throw the tablet on the floor when she chased after her officer to convince him that Tony's tablet was genuine and Tony's security system was one of the best system Robin knew, but Rhodey stopped her before she left the room entirely reasoning that it's useless to talk into him right now.

They parted ways. Rhodey went to his Control Room while Robin went to find her other officers for briefing. Tony's table was safe under her uniform. Within a few minutes, they will be alerted that they found Tony's whereabout because Robin sent the location into the military system. Soon enough, Robin found herself inside a bird with Rhodey that will bring them to the exact location of the new green dot appeared on the radar.

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