Chapter 8

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The strings on this guitar,
The first love lost on a young heart,
Those things are gonna break after the getting's good.

 * * *

Robin didn't expect to hear a loud Metallica song when she entered to meet her brother inside Tony's workshop. Though it was not as near as a bomb exploding, but Robin could still feel the drum thumping inside her skull and the guitar riff stinging in her eardrums. Her heart was threatening to jump out of its ribcage. The thick glass and wall Tony specifically installed in his workshop are doing they're job.

"Jarvis! Turn the sound down!" She knew if she called Tony for his attention through the loud noise, it will be no use so she uses the AI. And immediately, the AI turned off the song. They still echo inside Robin's mind.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark. It seems that Ms. Stark is here to see you."

Robin saw Tony's head bobbed beside the table like the mole in Whac-A-Mole. "There you are!"

"I'm busy. What do you want?"

"I came to tell you about my case. The judge wanted the inventor to come to my next hearing. It's this Friday at eight in the morning."

Tony stared into spaces for a few seconds before he mindlessly answered, "I can't. Go find someone else." He continued nailing something on the ground, hidden by the table that separated between him and his sister.

Robin frowned in annoyance. "You're not listening to me. The judge wants the inventor of the locator to come to my next hearing session this Friday. He wants a witness, too, so you and Rhodey are expected to be there."

Realising what Robin just said, Tony stopped at what he was doing. "What do I do there?" He asked.

Robin crossed her arms on her chests and shrugged. "I haven't gone to court myself so you tell me."

"Fine. I'll be there." Robin was surprised to hear the amount of seriousness in her brother's voice and how his eyes looked like he meant what he said.

"Good." Robin nodded her head, hoping Tony will be there on time instead of being late for hours. She doesn't want to give the Judge a bad impression of her family. After all, he is the person who recently, suddenly stopped providing missiles and bombs to the military. Though the Pentagon was still struggling to find the replacement, but the job has taken over by another weaponry manufacturer.

Tony's eyebrow raised when he saw that Robin was still firmly grounded in his workshop. He toyed a spanner in his hand. "Anything else?"

"I heard about the board meeting." Her face turned soft.

"Pepper told you?"

"I met OB when I just got home."

"Great." Tony muttered as he rolled his eyes in annoyance while cleaning his dirty hands with a wet towel. "I wonder what you're going to say about it."

"It is not my place to tell you what to do. I'm not your secretary or your advisor, but as family, I really need you to get back on track." Robin leaned against the metal table, arms still crossed on her chest. Tony heard the softness in her voice, a tinge of concern.

"I am on track."

"Which track? Because if you say by building a robot is you being on the right track, I don't see any worth for your company. I don't want you to lose Stark Industries, Tones. Think about how Dad built it--"

"I thought you hated Dad."

"I thought you, too?" Robin raised her eyebrow, but there's a smirk at the end of her lips, in which Tony followed. It's a language that only the siblings understood. "Anyway, the military also found another company to get weapons."

ROBIN STARK // iron man 1 a.uDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora