Chapter 7

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FM station on the outskirts,
Blue jeans after years of shift work,
All fading out like I always knew they would.

 • • •

"Lieutenant Stark. Captain Marshall. There will be a session of your case on next Friday at 0800 hour in Courtroom 3. Please take this seriously and be there on time. I expect no more excuse of postpone because of family issues." Though the judge was announcing for the whole room, but Robin knew he was targeting specifically towards Robin.

"Understood, sir."

"The session will be attended by the plaintiff and his prosecutor, the confidant and her defense lawyer, the judge and the juries. And I'd like to invite the witnesses to come for the testimony and maybe, along with the owner of the device." Robin and Captain Marshall gave each other a look. They both know that they only have one witness and it's Lt. Col. Rhodes, a.k.a Rhodey a.k.a Robin's friend.

"Until next Friday." Every one was dismissed by the meeting and Robin was ready to get back to the mess hall, but she was stopped by Captain Marshall himself outside the courtroom.

"Captain Marshall. I thought you hated me already," the Lieutenant said, giving Captain Marshall a quick, sarcastic smile at him.

"I'm still your officer, Lieutenant, so I suggest you watch your mouth when talking to me," Captain Marshall replied sternly. "Look, I'm not sorry for reporting you to the General of what you did, though your intention was not wrong to help find a missing person, but maybe you shouldn't bring your device into the military compound."

"As I've been told, in fact, many times. And do you know what I tell them every time they say that to me?" Captain Marshall raised his eyebrow as he waited for Robin's answer. "I tell them that I know what I'm doing. And it's just a matter of time until I get caught."

"You're proud of yourself."

"I could lose my career in the military, Captain, but I can't lose my brother in the hands of the terrorists. Do you know who they are? Did any of them in the Air Force figured that out yet?"

"That's not our job." Came a simple answer from Captain Marshall.

"Of course, not, because it wasn't you who was sent there and it wasn't you who was attacked. I came from a family who manufactured weapons, supplying them to the military. If they want to attack the Pentagon, they have thousands of soldiers to protect, but if my family and I were attack, who do you think will help us?"

Captain Marshall kept quiet, though he doesn't look like he sympathise Robin, but he does look like he was re-considering what Robin just said.

"If you think I'm proud of what I'm doing, Captain, my honest answer would be, no. I don't like that I have to go through courts martial just because I brought in an illegal device, but at least, I know that it's worth it."

Although Robin's heart was boiling with Captain Marshall accusing her, but she didn't left him without saluting him. Her military records, if you keep aside the case she's currently undergoing right now, was clean. She was one of the least airmen in the Air Force with no "criminal" records. She had never gone into a fight. She was a good private, one who follows orders without questioning them. She keeps everyone in her priority list as a leader and understand her company while being an instructor. She intends to keep it that way.

Robin took her time as she walked back to her office in the kitchen. It was quite a walk, but she needed some of the time to calm herself down after meeting Captain Marshall. To say she was not aware of her surroundings might be an understatement. She was too caught up with her own thoughts.

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