Chapter 1

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A cold beer's got 12 ounces,
A good truck's got maybe three hundred thousand,
You only get so much until it's gone,

• • •

At the time the alarm in the US Air Force HQ blared, alerting them a new highly dangerous threat just attacked their allied territory, Lieutenant Robin Stark was in the middle of writing a report on her recent drill undergoing training with Air Force troops at their training base camp. Though the alarm causes everyone to panic knowing that their lives are at risk, but Robin stayed calm until she met her department officer Captain Marshall.

"Captain Marshall." The Captain was rushing towards a direction she knew. It is where every information was received, everything related with the Air Force. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Afghanistan was attacked. Don't ask me how."

"How?" Robin doesn't look like she listen to her officer. "Stark Industries is having an event with their rocket launching. We made sure there were no enemies around the border. Are sure it's Afghanistan? Not Iraq?"

"I'm aware of that, Lieutenant, but that's what being reported. I'm going down to the Control Room, to ask what's actually happening. Let's hope we're wrong."

"Is there anything I can do, in the meantime, sir?"

"Just make sure everyone here safe and calm." Captain Marshall stopped and looked around for a few seconds. Sure enough, there were people panicking here and there in their seats, under their desks, as the alarm still continued to blare.

But Robin isn't one with patience like other officers have. She knows it's not her place to go to the Control Room, after all, she has her officer to do that. However, it was not only Tony who is currently in Afghanistan for his latest missile launching. Codename: Jericho. Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes, an executive in Weapons Development Unit is there, too. She cannot sit still until she knows their status.

When she got there, Captain Marshall was already talking to Major Allen. Face taut, eyebrows creased, his hand gesturing towards the big screen, pointing at every important red dot so Captain Marshall understands. Robin doesn't want to be left out, so she make herself seen to the two officers although she knows what she could get into for disobeying her officer's order.

"Major Allen. Captain Marshall. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm here to know what's happening." Robin stood tall in front of her officers.

"Lieutenant Stark." Although Major Allen is not Robin's officer in the same department, but who doesn't know a Stark. Howard Stark's legacy is one of the strongest everybody in the America ever knew.

"Stark. I thought I told you to take care of the men and women upstairs?"

"They know how to take care of themselves, Captain. After all, I'm also an officer. I shouldn't not allowed to be here," Robin said firmly.

Captain Marshall's gaze stayed on Robin for a few seconds long and Robin made sure she didn't blink to show the Captain that her decision was solid. The short silence was only adding up the tension between them as the Captain recalculating his decision on Robin's behaviour. But Captain Marshall can still think rationally. They do not have a time for argument over a simple issue. Soon he speaks.

"Fine." He turns to Major Allen. "You may continue."

Major Allen nodded his head understood and ready to share the information to his fellow comrade. "I just told Captain Marshall that what you heard was true. Afghanistan was attacked. We do not know their motives. We do not know how they got there. We haven't identified the attacker, though we have a theory."

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