1- be careful what you wish for

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December 19th, 2200 hours

Kirishima found himself standing on the front step of a small flat in downtown Musutafu, a backpack slung across one shoulder.
He reached out and rapped his knuckles smartly against the wood of the door. He then noticed a black cat with a distinctive tuxedo coat pattern appear in the window nearby, its tail flitting against the curtains and causing them to ripple.
There was only a few moments of Kirishima praying that he had the right house, before the door swung open, revealing Hitoshi Shinsou. Now there was a face he hadn't seen in a long time.
He had matured well, and his hair had gotten much longer since school.
Perhaps even more interesting than the sight of an old friend, Shinsou had in his arms a tiny girl, who couldn't be older than two years old. Her head was resting against Shinsou's shoulder, her chubby little cheek squished against it. She had yellow hair tied in tufty pigtails, and seemed very much asleep.
Shinsou smiled.
"We've been expecting you," he murmured. He stepped to the side and Kirishima entered, then closed the door as quietly as he could behind himself. He walked forward, after Shinsou, who led the way through the dark hallway and into a brightly lit room to the left. There was a dining table in this room, and a number of posters on the wall. In the corner was a display case full of miniatures.
Kirishima turned his eyes to the table, where Katsuki and Todoroki were already seated.
Shinsou disappeared back into the dark hallway.
"Hey guys!" Kirishima kept his voice low, despite his excitement, and walked over to the table. He took a seat beside Katsuki.
Having sat, he noticed the distinct smell of slightly overcooked caramel. Boy, it had been a while since he stopped to admire this quality about his friend.
He dropped his backpack onto the floorboards beside his seat and settled into the chair comfortably.
"Good evening," Shoto Todoroki had grown out his hair. Shinsou wasn't the only one. Todoroki had swept it up neatly into a bun. Kirishima guessed it would have fallen past his shoulders if it was out. He'd outdone Shinsou in that respect, whose wild locks fell only just past his jawline.
"Long time, no see." Kirishima grinned. Todoroki leaned forward, across the DM screen, and stuck his hand into a bag of MnMs on the table. Kirishima watched him flick one up into the air and catch it in his mouth. He then nodded and let out a small,
"Mmn." In response to what Kirishima had said.
"So you're DM?" He asked.
"Yep," Katsuki spoke, finally. "He's excellent, actually."
"Neat!" Kirishima replied. It was quite the compliment. It took real skill to get Bakugo's praise.
It was at that moment that Kaminari chose to enter the room, carrying tea. He set one cup in front of Todoroki and sat down across the table from Kirishima with his own mug. He smiled softly.
"Hi Kiri!" He greeted cheerfully. He was perhaps the least changed one in the group. He had just about the same haircut as in school, and where the others showed a lot of signs of maturity, a little of his baby face remained, so that he appeared fresh as a raindrop.
"Hiya," Kirishima sent Kaminari a smile. Shinsou re-entered, less a baby.
"She's asleep now," he informed the table in his usual mild tone of voice. He took the seat directly beside Kaminari and the blond leaned his head gently on his shoulder, a minor display of affection.
"So that was your baby? What's her name?"
"Hanako," Kaminari glanced up at his partner and smiled sweetly. "She's two," he told Kirishima.
"She's very cute," Kirishima said.
"Thanks. She takes after her pa," Shinsou said. He had the softest expression in his eyes when he looked down at Kaminari. Kaminari blushed.
"Todoroki has kids too," Bakugo chimed in.
Kirishima looked towards the blond man beside him. Bakugo's side profile was as attractive as ever.
Kirishima bet he was very popular with the ladies, especially seeing as he was the number two hero since last year.
"They're three years old, now," Todoroki informed Kirishima, "Daisuke and Kanaye."
"Oh yeah? Have they got their quirks yet?" Kirishima asked. Todoroki only shook his head no.
"Who knows if they'll take after me or their mother. It'll be interesting to see how it works out."
"Let's get to playing," Bakugo ended their conversation before Kirishima was able to ask more.
"Right you are," Todoroki nodded. "Did you prepare a character?" He asked Kirishima. Kirishima nodded his head. He leaned down and fished a dice set and his character sheet from his bag.
"A human fighter," he told them. "Not very original, I know, but I like fighters."
"There's nothing wrong with that," Kaminari smiled at him.
"Another human," Shinsou laughed softly. Kirishima glanced at him.
"Shinny is the only non human. He's an elven monk," Kaminari explained.
Kirishima smiled and nodded in understanding, "So what's you and Bakugo's class?"
"I'm a cleric," Kaminari told him.
"I'm a barbarian," said Bakugo. "A barbarian Captain to be exact," he added.
Of course. Kirishima could have guessed that. He looked down at his dice set, then reached out and opened the small plastic container, spilling the dice across his character sheet.
"Let's play," he smiled.

Caramel BlondieWhere stories live. Discover now