4- it's kind of draining

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Dec 21st, 1315 hours, downtown Tokyo. Shoto hero agency, boardroom

"We have some new information on the yakuza case, which is what this meeting will be about." Todoroki stood at the head of a long table. The surface of the table was made out of a black reflective material which mirrored the clincinally bright lights overhead.
At the table, Kirishima sat beside Bakugo. He felt a deep seated uneasiness, but was managing to stay mostly still. The other heroes clustered around the large table included Deku, Uravity, Hawks and a couple of other heroes who Kirishima was far less familiar with.
It was weird to see Deku in the flesh. Kirishima was so used to seeing him on television that it felt surreal to be in a workplace environment with him.
Everyone was dressed to the nines in their hero outfits.
It all felt very formal, and yet Kirishima couldn't help but think about how many of his classmates had made it into this room. It was half a Highschool reunion.
In front of Kirishima, there were a stack of documents. Kirishima had already signed these. They included a lot of non-disclosure agreements and confidentiality paperwork.
"First, I'd like to welcome our newest member into the team, Red Riot. He will be playing a support role. He's had first hand experience into being attacked by our yakuza."
Kirishima could feel everyone's eyes on him. Bakugo nudged him gently, prompting him to open his mouth.
"R-right! So, I'm Red Riot. Pleasure to be a part of it!"
Todoroki nodded sagely.
"Onto the meeting. We believe we've identified the leader of the yakuza, whose quirk has caused us so much trouble."
There was a buzz of excited mutters around the table. Kirishima blinked at Todoroki's half and half head, noticing his hair was in a loose, low ponytail. Wisps of red and white had fallen in front of his mismatched eyes.
"The quirk in question, just to recap for Red Riot, was believed to be some kind of explosion quirk. We now have new information on it, and have drawn the conclusion that it is more of a light and heat producing quirk. The user, who we believe is the elusive villain the media have dubbed 'Sunspot', used to be merely a nuisance criminal. He would use his quirk to blind drivers on the freeway, and caused quite a disturbance for police about five years ago. We believe he has gained a new level of power somehow and has resurfaced."
Kirishima glanced towards Bakugo. An explosion quirk. It hit a little close to home.
"As most of you are aware, the biker gang have the Steel Dragon, a quirk user who consumes iron and can harden his body into a steel-like form, and also change the shape of his limbs, to use them as weapons.
Sunspot against the Steel Dragon means a lot of trouble for us as law enforcement. They will both have a hard time beating one another, and their rivalry seems contentious. This is about territory, and the yakuza seem to be very tenacious in taking whatever they can from The Satsujin motorcycle gang."
Deku spoke up, "So, we have an idea of who the yakuza have on their side now, why don't we just arrest this Sunspot guy?"
"We have his villain name, but don't know his real identity," Todoroki replied, then added, "which is why I'm putting you all on door duty."
Todoroki bent and took from a bag on the floor by his feet a number of plain looking folders. "Pair off. Each pair will get one of these folders, in which there is information about the case and an assigned area to search. Knock on doors, snoop around. You know the protocol. Bakugo, I'm leaving Kirishima in your hands."
Bakugo gave a small nod of his head in reply.
"That's it. Meeting adjourned."
Everyone in the room turned to one another and began discussing the pair offs and the meeting they just had. Bakugo accepted their folder from Todoroki and got up, then walked off towards the door.
"C'mon, shitty hair. We'll start doing door to door searches now," Bakugo was already leafing through the folder. Kirishima rushed to follow after him.
Bakugo led the way towards the door, and held it for him. Kirishima passed him with a small, "thanks," and Bakugo then gently shut the door and walked straight towards the elevators. Kirishima thought they would have gone for the front exit of the building, but Bakugo moved with such confidence and purpose that he didn't bother questioning him aloud. He simply turned on his heel and walked after him.
Ah, just like the old days. The back of Bakugo's head was a familiar sight.
They mounted an elevator and Bakugo pressed the lowest button on the pad. The doors closed. It seemed the blond was always three steps ahead of him. He was the number two hero in all of Japan! Kirishima couldn't even imagine it.
That weightless feeling in his gut amped up as they travelled downwards at a fast rate.
Bakugo had always been the leader of their group during school too.
It was as though Bakugo was running a race in which Kirishima wasn't even a contestant. He didn't mind so much, though. Bakugo was such a gorgeous personality, Kirishima was more than happy to play second fiddle.
'Ping' "garage floor," the elevator voice over informed them.
The doors opened.
Kirishima stepped from the elevator with Bakugo, and watched as overhead lights blinked alight, illuminating a long concrete floored room with quite a number of cars parked in it. Every one of them looked expensive and fast.
"This way," Bakugo turned and walked towards their left. Kirishima followed him, and noticed that Bakugo was going directly towards a pretty black car. It was sleek and low to the ground. The black grill between the narrow headlights was stamped SRT in silver. The number plates read 'BOOM' Bakugo pulled a set of car keys from his pocket and unlocked it. The car's blinkers flashed and Bakugo opened the drivers side door.
"Holy shit, sweet ride!" Kirishima exclaimed. He was almost too scared to touch it. He opened the front passenger door delicately and got in.
"Thanks, I love it," Bakugo smiled softly as he shut his door and inserted the key into the ignition. Kirishima gently closed his door, and buckled himself in.
"What is it?" Kirishima just wanted to know so he could tell people what he'd had the privilege of riding in, because this was more than boast worthy.
"A 2021 Dodge Charger," Bakugo told him.
Whatever that meant.
Bakugo did up his seatbelt and turned the key in the ignition. The car roared to life beneath them, growling into wakefulness before lulling into a rhythmic purr.
Bakugo took off the handbrake, then took off.
Kirishima wasn't aware they even had a garage under here. He had parked his car out on the street, and his car wasn't anything special at all.
He was honestly awestruck by the Dodge Charger. It was clear the kind of power under the pedal, despite Bakugo maintaining the speed limit.
Trust Katsuki to choose something so extra as his mode of transportation.
It took them no time at all to arrive in the neighbourhood they were to be doing door duty in.
Katsuki made no delay, and led them towards an apartment building. They spent the next hour covering every apartment. Most of the tenants were home, and it was tedious, repetitive work. It was occasionally spruced up by an interesting character, but for the most part, it was just normal people being normal.
Notably, there was a tired dad, who spent the entire question time with a toddler on his hip, and it was interesting because the baby's quirk had manifested. The dad's hair kept changing colours as he gave his responses, the amused baby letting out peals of adorable laughter as dad's hair went from acid green to yellow, to hot pink in just a few moments.
There was also a guy who answered the door in full cyclist's gear, and an old woman who asked them to repeat themselves at least twice every question, so that it took far longer than it should have.
By the time they got to the top floor and the final door, Bakugo and he were both exhausted and very irritated. They pulled themselves together, trying to keep a professional air.
Katsuki knocked at the door. There was a clatter from within the apartment, and shuffling, the sound of muffled voices, and then the door opened a crack, revealing one bright blue eye and the blond hair of a young woman, perhaps twenty years old.
"I'm not interested in buying anything," she peered at them.
Katsuki held up his police badge, and drawled the line,
"We're with the Tokyo police, hero force. We just need to ask you a few questions, ma'am." She blinked at them.
"Okay, what do you need to ask?"
"Could you open the door up the rest of the way, ma'am? I'd like to show you the courtesy of looking you in the eye as we converse." Bakugo requested.
The woman looked behind her, into the rest of the apartment. Kirishima couldn't see anything past her, as her body was blocking the view of the rest of the apartment.
"Um... it's a bit messy in here, just ask your questions. I don't want to open the door."
There was a loud thump and more sounds of movement from within the apartment.
"Who's that, Kristy? Tell them to go away or I'm getting the gun. I've told you not to talk to those fucking salesmen."
"Yuki, it's the police," her tone of voice was low, clearly warning.
There was sudden silence from within the apartment.
"Ma'am, I'm gonna need you to open the door now," Bakugo was suddenly quite firm. She shook her head, began to try to speak, but was pulled away from the door. The man they had heard speak was visible momentarily, then the door was slammed shut. There was the sound of a scuffle inside.
"Stand back," Bakugo commanded. Kirishima moved backwards, and covered his body with his hardening quirk for extra measure, as Bakugo put his hand against the lock, and the door was blown off it's hinges with an Earth shattering "boom" which resounded in his chest like bass from a subwoofer.
The woman inside the apartment screamed loudly. Bakugo was inside before the smoke even cleared, Kirishima not far behind. Bakugo made chase as the man could be seen going out the window and down the fire escape stairs.
Kirishima ran to the window in time to watch Bakugo pin the man against the railing two floors down.
He hopped out and ran down to them. Bakugo clasped him in handcuffs, the cuffs making a satisfying 'click'. Bakugo's biceps strained as he manoeuvred the struggling man.
"You are being placed under arrest, please do not resist. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used in a court of law."
They all three went back up to the apartment, where Kirishima placed cuffs on the woman. She wept, and did not resist.
The two of them escorted the perps downstairs, and Kirishima radioed base. It was barely any time at all before Deku turned up in the squad car. The man and woman were both placed into the back of the car.
"Good work, guys. Busy first day on the case, huh?" Deku smiled at them.
Katsuki didn't even give him the courtesy of answering him. He shut the squad car door and walked away.
Kirishima smiled apologetically, "thanks for the backup," he said.
Deku climbed back into the car.
Kirishima walked off after Bakugo. He was already in the Dodge.
Kirishima got into the passenger seat. He didn't wait for him to put his seatbelt on, he started the car the moment he was inside. Kirishima hurried to buckle up, and they rolled out.
"Want to grab a coffee before we head back to do the paperwork on this?" Bakugo suggested. Kirishima wasn't about to argue. Katsuki looked kind of tense, and Kirishima knew well that Katsuki would need a few moments to gather himself so he could be calm again.
"Yeah, okay. Sounds good."
Katsuki drove in silence after that.

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*this chapter published 04/07/2021

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