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Emily and JJ had the type of friendship where they flirted harmlessly. Or so they thought. Both were blind to the fact they had feelings for each other. JJ being in a secret relationship with Will doesn't help. Emily on the other hand knew she wasn't attracted to men. But she wasn't ready for that conversation. Their team at the BAU all saw the way they stared longingly at each other. And the stolen glances while the other isn't watching.

Emily's POV:

"Ughhh" I groaned as I rolled to the other side of the bed.


We have a case. Get here as fast as you can


Yes sir.

"Do we ever catch a break?" I thought to myself. I got out of bed to get ready. I stripped off my clothes and headed to take a shower. When I was done, I went into the room to get ready. I still had 30 minutes before I had to be at the BAU. I got a purple short-sleeved shirt on, and my normal black pants. I topped off the outfit with a blazer. I decided to brush my hair this morning. I skipped breakfast and grabbed a coffee while heading out.

When I got to the BAU I went straight to the conference room where JJ was presenting the case. "Charles Luvet was found floating in the Miami marina last night." JJ started. "Local M.E thinks that he was only in the water for about an hour." As she sat down to share her observations, I couldn't help but stare. I could easily get lost looking into the Blonde's eyes. As JJ started to look up, I quickly looked at the case file, hoping she hadn't seen me.

After we reviewed the case, Hotch called wheels up. I went to grab my go-bag. As usual I'm first on the jet. I like to get there before everyone so I can review the case. Shortly after, hotch boarded the jet. He sat in front of me. Slowly, everyone was on the plane. Garcia was on the laptop discussing the things she found so far. She never failed to impress me.

We landed and got into the SUV's. Me, JJ and Morgan were in one car while Hotch, Rossi and Reid were in the other. We met at the police station and discussed what we were all going to do. I was ordered to go to the latest crime scene with Morgan while JJ set up at the station. While we were talking we were interrupted.

Will Lamontagne. I'm not sure why he's here but I frankly don't like it. He always seemed 'off' to me. He walked up and shook hands with everyone. "You guys know each other?" the chief asked. "Uh, yeah we worked on a case together a while back," JJ said. Will stared at her confused. She looked back uncomfortable. I watched this interaction unfold. Something seemed off. The whole team knew that JJ and Will were in a secret relationship. We didn't want to say anything till she was ready to tell us.

I didn't like the idea of them. I'm not sure why but something bothered me. I didn't like JJ like that. She was my best friend. Was she? I brushed those thoughts to the side as we started to walk inside. I saw Will stop JJ as she was walking. I looked back and we made eye contact. It was as if she were trying to tell me to save her from this conversation that she was about to have. I was interrupted by Morgan grabbing my arm. "Just leave them. They have their problems to fix." I listened and walked away. Maybe I shouldn't have.

A/N please let me know what you guys think!! This is my first time writing a fanfic. I've taken writing classes so I enjoyed writing this a lot!! <3

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