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"The fact people can't love who they want without feeling in danger bothers me. Why can't we love who we want?" 


"You know what I mean," 


"Well I'm gonna go see if we got a lead,"


POV: Emily

What the fuck just happened? What the hell did she mean? "Why can't we love who we want" did she mean what I think she meant? Is she... No she can't be. I'm being silly. She's with Will. Unless.

I shake my head to get the thoughts away. That was really stupid. I finish my water and look back at Will who was standing over case files. Well, I should go check what to do next.

A couple hours passed. We found out that the unsub uses his victim's personality. He doesn't know who he is. He has to adapt to other people's personalities. That's why we haven't had a tab on him. We were about to head back to the hotel for the night. 'THANK GOD!' I thought. This whole day has been so exhausting. I can't for my head to hit the pillow.

We make our way to the lobby. Hotch and I in one car. Morgan, Reid and Rossi in the other. When we got there Hotch went to the front desk to sort out the situation.

"Alright guys," Hotch started. "They're all booked out for the weekend. We're gonna have to double-up"

I wasn't that bothered. JJ wasn't here so I got my own room.

"Morgan, Reid, you two share one room," Hotch said.

"Me and Dave in the other,"

"And Prentiss, You'll get your own room-"

"WHAT? That is NOT fair" Morgan interrupted.

"As I was saying," Hotch talked over Morgan.

" Prentiss you'll get your own room, that'll be shared with JJ IF she decides to stay here" He finished.

"Hah. We all know she's not gonna come here" Morgan snickered.

"Alright, here are your keys." Hotch passed out the keys.

I went straight to the elevator the second I got the key.

"Woah! Slow down there, Prentiss. What's the rush?" Morgan asked as he put his hand to stop the elevator from closing.

"Shut the hell up" I fired back. I was honestly tired of his bullshit.

We reached my floor and I bolted. Today was hell. I unlocked my room. I headed straight toward the shower. I deserved a long relaxing bath. I stripped off my clothes and settled in. I sighed at the feeling of water on my body. All the tension I had released. I was left there with my thoughts from earlier.

I needed to admit something to myself that I wasn't ready to admit. That I liked girls.... Romantically. God why is this so hard? It shouldn't be a problem. I'm still me. I just don't fit in with society's standards. The last time I came out to someone it didn't go well. Can you guess who? Yup. You guessed it. My mother. It would apparently 'ruin' her reputation. She gives more fucks about her job and politics than her own daughter.

Now I was left with the thought of JJ. She's been on my mind a lot recently. But I don't know why. Who am I kidding? I know why. Because I like her. There I said it. I like JJ. God that felt SO good to say.

I relaxed into the bath. I closed my eyes. This felt so refreshing. I got up and drained the tub. I got dressed in an oversized shirt. And some shorts. Not like I'm sharing a room with anyone. I brushed my teeth and my hair. I got out of the bathroom. I went straight toward the bed. I lifted the blanket from the bed. Fluffed up my pillow. I layed down. I was JUST about to fall asleep when I heard a knock. Who the hell is knocking at 2am!

I got up and dragged my feet across the floor. I wasn't planning on rushing myself. Whoever is on the other side of that door can wait. The knocking got more aggressive "ALRIGHT I'M COMING CALM DOWN!" I yelled from the door. I unlocked the door and saw someone I did NOT expect to see tonight.


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