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Taehyung was humming a song while preparing food for him and his spouse when he felt a hand wrapped around his waistline. He grinned acknowledging who it was,

"Good morning love"

"Good morning Kookie" Taehyung greeted back and giggled slightly when he felt his husband, Jeon Jungkook snuggling his face into his nape,

"Leave me I need to make us breakfast and you need to get ready as well," Tae said attempting to wiggle out of his lover's grip which just got stronger as he tried to move,

"Kissy first" Jungkook breathed turning Tae around and crashed their lips.

After a few second they broke the kiss and took a breath,

"Now go"Taehyung pushed Jungkook who groaned and waddled towards the bathroom to get ready.

He floundered on a chair making his husband giggled at his clumsiness, Taehyung shooked his head and continued cooking before it burned down,

After 30 minutes

Jungkook arrived back to their kitchen when he saw Taehyung sitting on the dining table and food was already ready,

"Love" Jungkook called out and pecked his lips snapping Tae out of his daydream."Oh, you are here, let's eat"Taehyung said frantically grabbed a spoon, and started eating,

Jungkook giggled and started eating as well, Tae furrowed when he saw Jungkook eating slowly.

"Ehhh why are you eating so slowly?"He questioned in surprise as Jungkook always eat fast telling him, he will be late though there would be a lot of time left before his office hour,

"Ohh It's holiday today" Jungkook answered biting his food,

"For what?"Tae questioned with big eyes."I don't know father told me today we have some renovation in the building that's why"Jungkook replied.

"Ooh" Taehyung smirked making Jungkook gulp his food tensely."What are you smirking for?"He asked nibbling his spoon.

Tae didn't reply anything, he just stood up and walked towards the kitchen. Jungkook furrowed feeling doubtful,

Taehyung came back with a paper in his hand, he tossed the paper into Jungkook's face which Jungkook effortlessly caught,

"What is it?"Jungkook asked observing the paper.

"Rice, Kimchi, Salt" Jungkook viewed as his eyes extended, "T-ae is this?"Jungkook gulped.

"Yesh this is the grocery list. As you have a holiday today then why not make you get the grocery "Tae smirked.

"But babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"Jungkook cried stomping his feet."I know you never do shopping but please I'm tired of boys teas-" Tae stopped as he covered his mouth with his palm.

"Tae BOYS WHAT??!"Jungkook roared looking at startled Taehyung,

Jungkook marched towards his baby who seemed scared. He wrapped his arms around Tae's waist pulling him closer, Tae snuggled his face in Jungkook chest taking a deep breath"Boys what Tae"Jungkook asked in a soft tone,

"They tease me and touch me sometimes"Tae's voice was muffed but Jungkook still heard it.

Jungkook tightens his grip around Tae's waist as he pushed his inner cheeks with his tongue."You should have told me before Love" Jungkook whispered as he put his finger under Tae's chin making him look at his eyes,

"From now on we will go grocery shopping together and if they tease you again call me I will make sure to teach them a lesson, "Jungkook said softly as he looked into Taehyung's blue eyes,

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