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Ignore the mistakes hehe


No one's POV

Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Taehyung had his legs on Jungkook's chest whereas Jungkook's legs were on the table. They were watching the movie peacefully when Taehyung suddenly felt the need to drink water. He looked around but didn't saw any bottles."Kookie you keep watching I will go and drink some water."Taehyung said and went to the kitchen.

Taehyung's POV
I was walking towards the fridge lazily. I quickly took out one of the bottles without looking at it and drank it. I drank it then I felt a burning sensation in my throat. I looked at the bottle but I felt dizzy."Did I drink two bottles?"I said confusedly. The whole place was spinning."Woahhh It's spinning!"I said and giggled. I heard someone calling me so I quickly placed the bottle on the table."Shhh, don't move okay?"I said to Mr Bottle and then went upstairs falling here and there.

Jungkook's POV

I was sitting here and waiting for Taehyung to come but he didn't come. It's already late as well."Tae?"I called but he didn't answer. I stood up and went towards the kitchen and I saw something I wish I didn't see........

....I saw that my precious bottle of Tequila was empty."Oh my god, who drank this all" I said in shock. It was one of the strongest tequila in the world, my friend had bought it for me."Did Taehyung drink it all?"I asked myself."Oh shit!"I said and ran to search Taehyung.

I search everywhere only our bedroom was remaining so I went inside and saw Taehyung lay on the bed and covering himself with the blanket."Shh hehe"I heard Taehyung giggling and talking to something. I uncover him and saw him hugging his plushie."Look Mr.taeger becsuae of yuo kookie caught us."Taehyung said putting the plushie aside and sulking."Tae did you drink the Tequila?"I asked sadly."Yes, I drank teaila" Taehyung said cutely."Oh okay. Now let's sleep."I said and sat on the bed."No want to dance."Taehyung said and stood up."But Taehy-"I didn't get to finish my sentence because Taehyung ran outside the room."Hey, wait!"I shouted and ran after him.

"Huuu Haaaa," Taehyung said running and throwing his hand in the air."Wait"I said trying to catch him but he was running fast."How are you running so fast?"I asked stopping to take a breath.I was looking down breathing heavily and when I looked up Tae was gone."Shit Tae where are you?"I yelled and went to search for him again.

I was searching for him when I heard some noises coming from upstairs. I walked towards the guest room and opened it to see Taehyung trying to dance on WAP."~Fooking wich sume weat ass pufsy~" He said and danced. I just stood there laughing at Taehyung singing non-sense and dancing weirdly."~From the top make it drop~"Taehyung said and kicked in the air but he fell down on the bed while I was laughing my ass off. I stopped laughing when I saw trying to do the split."Hey hey, stop"I said and stopped him."No, I won't stob"Taehyung said shaking his body.

"You can't do the split" I tried to make him understand but he being stubborn didn't listen to me and did it."Ouchhhhhhhh"He shouted loudly in pain."See I told you" I said laughing and helping him to stand up."Ouch, it hurts hehehehe"Taehyung said giggling, pouting, and rubbing the hurt area."I warned you!"I said and carried him. I was about to put him on the bed but he kicked me and ran in the corner."No, I haaeev boyfrand."Taehyung said covering his body with his hand."Oh is that so?" I said playing along."Yewss"He said nodding cutely."I won't tell him."I said and walked closer to him."He won't see me now."He said covering his eyes. I chuckled.

"Honey I can still see you."I said."How? I'm covering my eyes."He said removing his hand from his face and tilting his head in confusion."You need to cover my eyes if you don't want me to see you" I said shaking my head at his childish behaviour."Ooh"He said smiling widely."Now come to me" I said thinking that he will come into my arm but instead he kicked my balls and ran outside giggling."Ahhhh"I yelled and fell down in pain."Well, at least I know what my boyfriend will do if someone tried to do something wrong to him"I thought.

After a few minutes, I recover from the pain and went to search for him again. This time I went downstairs and saw him twerking cutely."Shaek dat boote"Taehyung said as he shakes his ass."Damn baby" I said and caught him. He tried to wiggle out but I just tighten my grip. Then suddenly I felt Tae sobbing in my embrace."What happened baby?"I asked in worry."What is this?"He asked pointing at his dick. I gulped in nervousness not knowing what to say.

Then suddenly Tae peaked inside his pants and gasped."What is this long piece of meat doing here?"He asked with a shocked face."Taehyung-"I tried to say but he interrupted me."Is this sausage?"He asked innocently. I cringe visibly, the sausage will never be the same."Tae that's called a penis."I said."Pee nas?"He repeated."You are drunk "I said."I'm not dank" He said with a pout.

"Lets me goes, "He said pouting and whining."You can't go anywhere" I said chuckling at his cuteness."Nobody loves me"Taehyung said and completely leaned on my shoulder.

"What am I then? A carrot?"I said feeling annoyed."No, you are the carrot eater, the bunny"He said giggling cutely."Come here" Taehyung said signalling me to come towards me."I'm going to tell you something. Don't tell it to anyone okay?"He said as he started hiccuping."Okay"And I agreed.

"I love my boyfriend and he loves me too I know so shhh, And don't tell anyone about my sausage okay?"Taehyung said pointing his fingers towards me."Okay"I said finding him cute."I rwelly love him"Taehyung said and yawned.

"Love you kookie"Taehyung murmured and he passed out. I smiled looking at his sleeping figure. I carefully picked him up and went upstairs towards our bedroom.

I laid him down on the bed and I also laid beside him. I wrapped my hands around his waist carefully making sure he doesn't wake up. I placed a peck on his lips and forehead."I love you too" I whispered and closed my eyes falling asleep.



This one was boring.

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