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"Ohh  you got that new game?"

"Yes Yoongi-hyung my father got it last night"

"Ohhh cool so tonight at 5 as usual?"

"Yep as usual"

Suddenly the two males were interrupted with a loud noise."JUNGKOOK-AHH"Someone yelled making the boy groan in annoyance as he recognised that deep voice.

"Welp your loverboy is here"Yoongi snickered. Making Jungkook snort at it, he yelped when he felt a sudden weight on his back.

"Hey Taehyung, "Yoongi said to the boy who was clinging into Jungkook's back."Hey hyung" Taehyung said and get off up Jungkook's back.

"You are heavy" Jungkook hissed stretching making Taehyung pout in sadness but decided to ignore it."Jungkook let's go and have breakfast"Taehyung suggested biting his lips hoping he will agree.

"No, I already ate, "Jungkook said coldly."Ahh that's not fair I waited for you so long" Taehyung stomped his feet, fake crying as he holds Jungkook's cold hand.

"I didn't ask you did I?" Jungkook said in a bored tone, yanking Taehyung's hand away.

"Now can you excuse us?"Jungkook looked at the brown head male with a cold expression who just nodded and smiled widely."Okie Dokie bye-bye"Taehyung waved his hands cutely before waddling away.

"Man he is so annoying" Jungkook grumbled making Yoongi raise his eyebrows in amusement."I've rejected him so many times but he still has guts to confess over and over again"Jungkook mentioned making Yoongi chuckle at his angry friend."He is doing all that to make you fall for him"The pale male said causing Jungkook to roll his eyes.

"I know but the way he is behaving is making me hate him"


A smile broke into his face when he saw Jungkook walking inside the classroom."Jungkook here"Taehyung shouted happily waving his hands in the air. Jungkook bit his inner cheeks in embarrassment as he made his way towards his seat which was unfortunately beside Taehyung,

"Did you do your assignment?"He asked Jungkook whose eyes widened as he shook his head."Hehe, I knew it here copy mine" Taehyung said handing his copy to Jungkook who looked at him.

"I'll take some else copy," Jungkook said blankly looking at Tae before going towards some random students. Taehyung sighed feeling sad but brushed it off.

"Jungkook can you help me with this?"Someone called out. Jungkook looked at the owner of the voice to see the school most popular girl, Mi-ta.

As Jungkook looked at her, his heart skipped a beat. Then he happily started helping her. Taehyung furrowed at how Jungkook had a big smile when he talked with Mi-ta.

He saw Mi-ta place her hand around Jungkook, but what hurt most was the Jungkook didn't push her hand away like he usually did when he was with Taehyung.


At basketball court.

Taehyung was busy cheering for Jungkook as he had a match today. When his team won everyone present in the room shouted in excitement. Taehyung quickly ran over towards Jungkook and jumped over him. The black-haired male groaned and stumbled a little.

"Can you stop coming out of nowhere?"Jungkook grumbled with a furrowed."Sorry anyways let's celebrate your success" He suggested with a grin.

"No I'm tired," Jungkook said coldly. "Okay, take care here water," Taehyung said and was about to hand the bottle to Jungkook when a huge crowd of people came and pushed him away.

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