Facing the Chamber

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Once again I d not own Harry Potter.

"It was an accident. I think..." Eve says.

"An accident! An Accident!? You mean we have a crazy old King of Bloody Snakes loose in the school," Ron stutters.

Just as the Slytherins and Luna leave Harry drapes the cloak over them. They made their way to McGonagal's office. Passing the teacher's lounge they hear a hushed conversation.

"The mandrake potion will be ready soon but we received a final message. Ginny Weasley has been taken by the beast. Gilderoy, you said you had figured out location of the creature. You will rescue the Weasley girl and the rest of you shall prepare the Houses," McGonagall said.

They watch the teachers leave and Harry decides to follow  Lockhart, not trusting him.

Timeskip due to not being able to write Lockhart's tripe.

Getting to the bathroom, they start looking around it. Coming to a faucet with snakes carved around the handles they share a look and Harry takes a breath.

Sss "Open"Ssss, Harry says as the taps turn and the sinks start to separate. 

"There you go Professor," Eve cheers and shoves him hard from behind with a grunt.

Lockhart tumbles down the slide of the tunnel. Ron looks at her slightly stunned. Harry for his part smirks.

"Eve, what if he died," Ron gets out.

"Then I guess I have my body count started," Eve giggles darkly.

Ron blanches slightly before jumping down the tunnel. Eve follows shortly after with a giggle. Harry rolls his eyes and looks to Meridia.

Sss "Ready girl?" Ssss

Ssss "Your mate and professors won't be happy." Sssss

Sss "Probably but Eve is already down there and Snape and Emmy will have my neck if I don't go after her." Ssss

Harry then jumps down the passage. Getting to the end of the tunnel he sees Eve glaring at Lockhart with Jane and Regina on full alert. They head down the tunnel when the snakes sniff the air.  What looks like an obstruction in the tunnel is revealed to be a giant snake skin.

"Merlin! That thing has to be massive," Ron says.

"Yes, too bad you lot won't remember it," Lockhart says tackling Ron.

Jane, Regina and Meridia tense.

"What? You have to save my sister," Ron exclaims.

"No, sadly I don't think I will be. The story will tell how the remains were too badly mangled by the beast that the two brave brothers and the her best friend lost it. You see I may not be good at many spells but I am rather skilled at OBLIVIATE," Lockhart says but Ron's wand glows at the spellotape wrapped center and explodes.

Eve and Harry are blown down the tunnel while Ron and Lockhart are blown backwards. The tunnel shakes and collapses.  When the dust clears Harry and Eve are on one side of a pile of rubble and Ron and Lockhart are on the other side. Harry and Eve quickly scramble up, calling out and start pulling rocks.

"Ron! Ron, are you there," Harry yells.

"Yes I'm fine, but Lockhart's spell backfired. He doesn't even remember who he is," Ron yells back.

"Ok Ron, wait there Draco and the others should have gotten Snape and McGonagall informed," Harry yells. "Eve stay here and wait for them."

"What part of I'm not letting you go alone do you not get big brother," Eve asks.

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