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Hyung got quiet . I knew that he gets irritated at whatever point he gets interfered with during his narrating meeting , yet I really want to know everything about guarantee that there'll not be any kind of uncertainty present in me when I take the pen up between my fingers . That is the reason , I assembled my mental fortitude and asked , " Did I sense a smidgen of indication of triumph , Hyung ? Care to make sense of more ?"

Be that as it may, his eyes astonished me . Rather than lashing out , his look showed that my inquiry did the specific inverse. "Excellent inquiry ! You are extremely attentive , NamJoon-ah ! Furthermore, that is the thing I like the most about you "

There we go with the becoming flushed once more .

"The divider had hints of water denotes on top of it and the presence of wetness on dividers is the best guide to demonstrate the presence of paranormal creatures in a scary place. How much water decide the sort of soul present in referenced house"

"There are different sorts of spirits ?"

SeokJin hyung gestured , "You heard that right . There are 2 sorts of spirits . The first are the individuals who look for retribution for death , these kind of spirits are extremely hazardous , they present damage to any living being who they believe are connected with the reason for their surprising passing . They can leave the living domain on the off chance that an expulsion is performed or they have retaliated for their passing . The second kind of spirits are a piece confounding ? Indeed , befuddling , they don't wander this domain for vengeance or something to that effect , however for different things they believe are critical to them . These spirits are cordial and don't hurt anybody except if they intrude with a person or thing that is the focal point of their warmth . They can't be exorcized and these spirits can leave the living domain on the off chance that they personally wish to."

"Goodness " I addressed not long from now , anxious to know the remainder of his experience , "What occurred straightaway ?"

Once more, SeokJin began , "On the grounds that the room wasn't utilized for a really long time , there was a dreadful aroma present . It disappeared by a piece when I opened the windows wide , and that was enough for me to comprehend that there was without a doubt a soul present in this house . "

"I previously carried a hiking bed with me , so I didn't squander one moment to open it and fit myself in it. Short rest sounded glorious to me to encounter the apparition at 12 PM without a noisy yawn or two."

"In any case, to hell with that . The chilling water in the draw-all around called for myself and I was unable to oppose it , it should attempt to slap my sluggishness away and the warm quality of April is getting to me also , and it's clear with how much perspiration my body was creating ."

"It was 7:58 pm and the sky was heavenly less , a dull blue artwork it like a kid who's involving water tone interestingly . I took out a light and got a towel , gradually getting out of my space to go towards the well . There was even a flight of stairs present inside the well which leaded me towards the base. At the point when I previously plunked down on the lower part of the flight of stairs , and plunged my exposed legs into the water , it seemed like someone wounded infusions into my skin without any planning . Yet, I gradually plunged my other leg powerfully and kept the two of them in strongly briefly . And afterward , the inclination changes . However my legs felt fairly numb , my entire body gradually loose into the water and I could feel my lost energy returning . It was so damn invigorating and the languor moved away as well !"

"I got back to my room and changed my wet garments into rest wears , taking my closest companion ; my light with me , in look for phantom . I chose to begin via looking through each room in the principal floor ."

I was unable to remain quiet about my fervor any longer , "My god ! You're so valiant , Jin Hyung !"

SeokJin suddenly halted , " Pardon me , NamJoon-ah ? What's there to be frightened of at any rate ? Phantom are nothing similar to your mafia or chronic executioners . Apparitions don't simply damage or kill somebody haphazardly !"

He took a major full breath and returned to his story , "A large portion of the room were loaded with refuse things , nothing significant to me . The main thing that pushed me along was the shut room in the west wing . There was something other than what's expected about that room . It was like somebody was behind the entryways , stowing away from me however yet , simultaneously , watching out for me . The apparition of that character-less man ? Regardless of the amount YoonGi guaranteed me that the minister disposed of the phantom , I was certain that it did nothing as I may as yet feel the presence of a soul in there "

"I would've moved toward the room however before I can , the sound of weighty strides reverberated in the quiet haziness"

"There was no indication of something going on under the surface around , the trilling birds had gotten back to their homes quite a while in the past , but , there's a wellspring of sound abruptly reporting their presence beside mine . On the off chance that it were folks like you in my place , you would've immidiately accomplished moksha"

" I immidiately switched off my light . In the event that it's an apparition , then I can deal with . In any case, in the event that it's a human with terrible thought processes , I'm going join the apparition in this house soon enough. My palms got wet , my pulse drumming like it's a Chainsmokers concert . I felt my back hit the stopping point just alongside my room's entryway "

"The strides halted and my heart loose from hearing the natural voice shout , "Teacher ! Sir Kim !""

"In the event that it was any other individual in my place , they would've answered in one go . However, I didn't "

I calm failed to see the reason why he did that , "Why ?"

SeokJin hyung frowned at me "what I disdain about you "

"You're a fucking absurd individual , NamJoon ah"

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