6: Arya

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I stayed in the house alone for a few hours until Alina came home. She usually gets off work at 3, but it was barely 2.

"Hey, Al," I greet her from the couch, watching my favorite show and hitting my weed pen. 80% Indica and 20% Sativa.

"What happened last night?" She asks when she shows her face. "Whaddya mean?" I finally look up at her, seeing the knowing look on her face. "On my way to work, I saw you and Lee-Lee sleeping in your car."

For some reason, I began to blush. "Wait, how do you know her?"

"She used to work with me at Pizza Hut."

I raise an eyebrow, "Really?" I ask, hitting my pen before offering it to her.

"Yeah. She's a sweetheart. Very down-to-earth," she says before taking a hit. "How did she end up in your car?" I continue watching the show while I answer.

"We hung out, got high, went swimmin' in her indoor pool, ate jerk chicken. When I say she should have her own show, I ain't kiddin'," I say, shaking my head at the end.

"What happened after that?" I shrug nonchalantly, "Got high again, got a bunch of snacks from our pantries and pigged out in me car." When she doesn't say anything, I look up to see this knowing look on her features and I shake my head.

"No, Al. I barely know her, we're just friends," I say before going back to my show.

"I didn't say anything. But she's cute, aye?" She smiles, giving my pen back. I couldn't help but smile a little, "Aye." She begins to tease me and I fan her off half-seriously, "Fuck off."

She laughs and flops down next to me, "What did y'all talk about?" Without looking at her, I answer, "Nicknames, siblings, my accent."

"Your accent?" I nod, watching the Purple Wedding episode.

(It's my favorite one for a refreshing reason; that rotten twincest bastard got what he deserved.)

"Aye, she has a thing for Geordie accents. Each time I said certain things, she'd get all smiley and giggly like a schoolgirl. Also, she started callin' me CB."


"Stands for 'Cute Bartender'. Apparently, her best friend flirted with me a few times and they call me that."

Alina chuckles, "Sounds like she already likes you." I turn to her briefly, "Maybe, but we only met last night."

"Aaand, she woke up in your car. Trent told me when you said that she wasn't your girlfriend she was like, 'I'm not?'" She teases. "It was just a joke," I dismiss, when in reality, I kinda wished it wasn't.

I like Lee-Lee. She's great company and I really like being around her. I might have a little crush on her, but who knows at this point?

My phone starts vibrating on my lap and my eyes widen. It was Lee-Lee.

Alina then stands up, "I'm gonna shower. Go talk to your girlfriend." She goes towards her room as I say, "She's not me girlfriend."

I tap the green button and I'm met with Lee-Lee in a robe with her hair wrapped in a towel. She smiles brightly at me and I automatically return.

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