2: Nickname

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"Tell me a bit about you," she says, turning to me.

She had brought us to this area I've never been to or seen before. It was kinda like a field hidden behind trees with a little pond in the center of it. It was mid autumn so the air was crisp and smelled a bit earthy.

We were sitting far enough away from the petite body of water. We had a few giggle fits the first couple of minutes. We've been mostly quiet for the last five minutes, enjoying each other's company and the enchanting nature.

I tug a bit at a loose strand of hair and began pondering.

"Not much to tell, really," I say with a single shouldered shrug. "Tell me why you came to London?" She brings her knees up to her chest and rests her head on them.

The moonlight shone down on us, bathing us in dull blue.

"New beginnings?" I ask more than say. "Did you lot not like Newcastle anymore?" I smile a bit since her voice was so soothing and sweet sounding. "Somethin' like that."

She's silent for a second before she giggles again.

It's a very cute sound.

"Why ye laughin' for, hinny?" I ask, chuckling a bit. Her laugh was also contagious. "Nothing. It's just that I really, really like your accent." I smile her way, even though she could barely see it.

"Cheers, pet," I say. She suddenly squeals and I jump a bit. "What? What?" I asked, proper panicked now. She puts both hands on my arm to calm me down. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you," she said, sounding like a kid.

"Like I said I really like your accent. I just fangirled a bit," her tone turning bashful like before. "It's a'right," I assure her, not ignoring the fact that her hands were still on me.

"Why do you like it so much? I think it's shit sometimes," I expressed. Her silhouette shifts, looking as if she's doing that puppy head tilt. "Why?"

"Sometimes, I'm hard to understand. Well, both I and me sister are hard to understand," I say. "Well, I can understand you perfectly. Wait, you have a sister?"

I nod, "I have two and a little brother."

"Are you the oldest or the middle child?"

"Middle. Me sisters are older than me," I say, pushing my hair from my face. "I'm the baby in my family," she says. "I have two older sisters as well."

"What're their names?" She straightens her legs out, putting her hands under her. "Sairah and Sian. Yours?"

"Alina and Jade," she hums.

We fall into a comfortable silence, stargazing and basking in the relaxing ambiance.

"Are you seeing anyone?" She randomly says, causing me to snap my attention to her. "Huh?" She giggles again and I just about melted.

She likes my accent and I like her laugh.

"Are you seeing anyone. Got a boyfriend or what?" I let out a deep sigh, "I actually got out of a year long relationship last month."

"Oh, 'm sorry," she says, sounding a bit sad. "Divvent. I ended things."

"May I ask why? Or is that too personal?" I shrug, "It was because I couldn't love her the way she deserved."

"Why is that, if you don't mind me asking?"

I look back up at the stars, looking back on that night I broke her heart.

"It's still fresh with me."

"I'm sorry for prying," she says in an adorable tone. "You're fine, hinny," I assure.

Who Got Me? (L.P./You)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora