5: Say You Know Me

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The next morning, I find myself in my car with my seat drawn back. The sun was beating on my face harshly, giving me a bitch of a headache. I pull down the visor then look over at the passenger side.

Lee-Lee was curled up facing the door, fast asleep. Soft, even snores came from her which made me crack a bit of a smile. I check my phone in the cup holder, reading that it's almost 7am.

I sit up to see my car was the only one in the driveway. Jade and Alina had work and Trent was probably getting ready for school. We live close so he usually walks there.

Speaking of the devil, he emerges from the house with his bag over his shoulder and AirPods in. He looks up and spots me with furrowed brows. Trent approaches the driver's side and knocks on the window lightly.

My car was pretty old, so I crank the window down, inviting the cold autumn air. "'Sup, Y/N?" He greets then notices the girl next to me. "Who's that?"

I glance her way then back at him. "A new friend of mine," I say vaguely. He looks at Lee-Lee again then his phone. "I gotta go, but you gotta introduce me to your girlfriend properly."

I roll my eyes, "She's not me girlfriend."

"I'm not?" The female's raspy voice causes both of us to turn our heads. The older woman stirs a bit then sits up with her eyes closed and stretches. "That was the most comfortably uncomfortable sleep I've ever had," she says with a sigh before turning her body to face us.

"Hi, there," he waves and she smiles and waves back. "Hi. You must be her brother," he nods. "I am. I'm Trent," he stretches his hand to her. I cock a brow as they shake hands.

"I'm Lee-Lee, nice to meet you."

"You too. So, are you her girlfriend now or-?"

"Trent, shouldn't you be ge'in' to school?" I interrupt him, giving him wide eyes that tell him to shut up. He puts his hands up in defense, "A'right, a'right. I'll see you later."

He says and we do our dumb little handshake we made up in grade school. "See you la'er. Be safe. Love you," I say and he parrots me, says bye to her then walks off in the opposite direction.

I roll the window back up just as she says, "You never answered my question."

"Hm? What question?" She curls back on the seat with her hand under her cheek, looking at me with those soft, pretty brown eyes.

"He thinks I'm your girlfriend," she smiles, making me blush a bit. "Yeah, he's weird," her smile gets bigger, showing me her pearly teeth. "Can't speak Geordie to me when I first wake up," she jokes.

"What?" I laugh. "It's how I talk."

"I know, but it's so cute and hot at the same time," I raise an eyebrow at her and a few seconds later, her eyes widen. "I did it again, didn't I?" I nod, holding back a snicker. "It's okay. Are you hungry?"

"Yes!" She groans. "I can go for a McMuffin."

"Why when I can just whip up somethin'?"

"You can cook?" She asks with mild surprise. I nod, grabbing my nearly dead phone then take my keys from the engine. "Breakfast is my specialty."

Who Got Me? (L.P./You)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat