3: Who Got Me?

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"Your house is fucking huge," I gape in amazement, eyes scanning the interior. "Yeah," she giggles, closing and locking the door behind her.

"Haddaway, lass. You must make weight," I express, looking back at her. She looks at me funny, "Make weight?"

"Me older sister is American. She says that because pounds are weight there." She giggles, "Oh, I get it. Funny."

"And clever." She nods in agreement, "I'm gonna use that around Lauren."

"Give credit," I half joke. She sets her keys down on a table near the door. "Wanna continue our conversation in the back? I have a pool we can dip our feet in," Lee-Lee says.

I raise a brow, "It's pretty chilly, don't ya think?" She giggles with a little head shake. "No, I have an indoor pool," she says and my eyes turned into dinner plates.

"Haddaway," I repeat myself from earlier. She playfully rolls her eyes, "Is that a yes?" I nod eagerly, too high to be embarrassed. She takes my hand and leads me towards the back of the house.

The home was full of art pieces and other expensive shit. She has to be making six figures or more.

We reach this door that had thin, body length windows on each side. This gives me a view of the big, funny shaped pool with black tiles covering the bottom. She opens it, pulling me a long before closing it again.

The room was pretty warm, making the hoodie I'm wearing uncomfortable on my skin.

"You can take off your hoodie and leave it on the chair right there," she says while rolling her pants legs up. I was going to tell her that I was just gonna say something about the temperature, but I don't.

I strip off my hoodie and set it down on the white lawn chair then began copying her movements. She was done before I was halfway through my first leg and went to wait for me with her feet in the water.

Once they were rolled up, I go to take a place beside her. She falls quiet for bit before turning to me, "How high are you?" I snicker, "Nar, it's 'hi, how are you?'" This causes her to giggle as well.

"No, I mean do you wanna light up another?" I shrug indifferently, "I'd never say no to that." She hums and stands up, creating a little puddle under her feet.

I watch as she makes footprints towards one of the chairs my hoodie was on. Interested, I continue to gaze at her actions; seeing her pull out a little box and opens it.

I then look away, moving my feet around in the water, a bit mesmerized by the blackness that held the water. What feels like a second later, Lee-Lee comes back with a pre-rolled joint and a green lighter.

She holds them out to me, "Wanna go first?" I gingerly take them from her with a gracious nod. "Are you okay?" She randomly says, catching me off guard. "Eh?" I ask, lowering the joint and lighter.

"It's just... earlier you said you had a quarter of a heart. Even though you don't wanna talk about it, I just wanna know if you're okay," she was giving me this look that read concern.

This greater confuses me since we're still practically strangers. So, why am I currently at this stranger's house? Honestly, she seems like a genuine, sweet soul.

Her aura is vibrant.

"Em... I guess," I say and she chews on her bottom lip. "Did someone do it or did you do it?"

"Huh? Why would I hurt myself?"

"As a defense mechanism against what previously hurt you. It's not intentional," she says. I look back down at the black water with little underwater lamps on the sides in thought. "Maybe? I dunno, if 'm honest," I answer, lighting the joint and taking a deep drag.

Who Got Me? (L.P./You)Where stories live. Discover now