Im feeling lazy

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Hey y'all! Im so sorry but I'm just not feeling well so this chapter will just be filled with headcannons. We'll be back on track next chapter, Kay?
Anyways, Enjoy!

- Lea is absolutely great at every card game except for Go Fish

-All of the BatFam speaks a lot of different languages but Lea is the only one that speaks Greek and she uses that to piss people off

- Lea knows Oliver Queen but neither of them thought it was worth mentioning to BatMan

-Lea once lost Titus and started to prepare her last will but luckily he came back before Damien noticed

- Damien will never admit it but he found Lea cute before she opened her mouth when he first met her

- Bruce acts like he doesn't really care about Lea but he'd die for her because he know if something happened to her he would lose his second eldest son

- Lea, while the Argo II was being built, dated Drew from Cabin 10 before they broke up after Lea found out that Drew had a crush on Nysa, her half sister

- Alfred doesn't ask any questions when Lea comes down to the kitchen in the middle of the night with bags under her eyes and pale and sweaty skin because he knows what PTSD looks like and just gives her a cup of hot cocoa before patting her on the head and going on his way

- Lea doesn't know how to use chopsticks

- Lea wears her camp beads like a choker

- Most people assume Lea is dumb because of how she acts but if you put a machine in front of her, she'll amaze you

- There was a time that Lea thought she had a crush on Piper but it turned out it was just Lea not knowing how to process affection that didn't come from her brother

- On the quest to save Hera, Lea gave her number to Cal because he honestly seemed sweet to Lea and she didn't mind he lacked a little in the brains department, plus he seemed like he'd be a good friend

- The story of how Lea got a restraining order put on her from the entire Girl Scouts company is a Camp legend that's passed down from camper to camper

- Tim lowkey would've dated Lea if he hadn't sensed the subtle sexual tension between Damien and Lea because he likes how smart she is

- Jason once intimidated the a pizza boy because he was hitting on Lea

- Bruce was on a business trip in New York and thought he saw Lea but shrugged it off as his eyes playing tricks on him not knowing that it was Leo who had walked past

- Dick finds the tofu tacos that Lea made absolutely disgusting but he doesn't have the heart to tell her, Jason and Tim disagree with him and think that the tacos deserve a medal while Damien refuses to give his opinion on them

- Lea has a bit of a celebrity crush on Wonder Woman and Jason knows this and teases her for it

- Lea usually loves animals especially mechanical ones but if you put her in the same room as Arum and Argetum, Reyna's metal dogs, she will throw hands

Also have this crappy art that I attempted to draw of Lea:

Also have this crappy art that I attempted to draw of Lea:

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Anyways, again, the next chapter will be the story

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Anyways, again, the next chapter will be the story. I hope you enjoyed this fun little chapter!

Word Count: 723 words

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