Ch.1 A Place To Call Home

359 13 27

Third Person POV

Suddenly, all of the blades head straight for Sans.

He barely teleported away and only had a second before all 20 knives started to rotate towards him again. This time more prepared, Sans blocked the attack with a bone wall and summoned a Gaster Blaster while the objects were fixing themselves. They were all gone the second they finished.

More knives appeared from the green silhouette but, before he formed not even half the amount of the first batch, he was trapped by blue bones and was unable to move.

Next came the one farthest from Sans. The white cracks on her face became brighter as all sorts of objects swiftly levitated towards Sans. Luckily for Sans, everything was pretty dark where they were fighting, so glowing things were pretty easy to see even with San's eyesight.

Sans built another bone wall in front of himself as debris was either disintegrated by Gaster Blasters or penetrated with white and blue bones. After, Sans immediately created a white bone in hand, teleported behind the girl, and knocked her out.

Sans: *pant* hehe...*pant*pant* is that*pant* all you got? *pant* man, even the kid was better than you three, heh. w-wait, where's the-



Sans POV

Sans: Argh! S-shit!

Luckily for me, I turned around just in time before they slammed the baseball bat into my skull but still hit my arm. And I thought getting slashed with a knife hurt!

I walked backward and tripped on my feet, effectively crashing to the ground in a very vulnerable state. The injury in my chest opening again, and the new pain of my broken arm. They start to chuckle and slowly walk towards me, Their chuckling soon turning into maniac laughter.

???#2: You know, I thought you'd be harder to beat with how you threatened us, but what can I expect from a freak like yourself? Hah! I bet you can't protect anyone in your life even if you tried. So think about what I'm going to do to you as a... favor.

Their smile gleamed in my blue and yellow magic, their bat raised right above my skull, and quite honestly, I agreed. It probably is better if I was gone anyway. They swung the bat, and I closed my eyes(?).

Yet, it never hit.

Instead of the sound of my skull getting crushed or the painful feeling of the metal bat, the only thing I felt was a sudden breeze and the sound of muffled yelling. I opened one of my eyes to see the attacker being pulled into the dark by something gray wrapped around them.

I starred in shock before someone appeared out of the darkness wearing the same gray cloth around their neck like a scarf. I stood up in a defensive stance, slightly trembling in pain, but not enough for anyone else to notice.

Eraser Head: calm down. I am not going to hurt you. I'm pro hero Eraser Head. Are you injured?

Pro hero? Eraser Head? Man, this keeps getting weirder and weirder. First, I'm on the surface, and after I fight soulless beings that are way too advanced to be the humans' robots (including Scarfy boi here). Lastly, I meet this guy who is probably 'cosplaying' right now as some superhero. What even is this timeline?

Eraser Head: uh, hello? Can you hear me?

I flinch back when I see Eraser wave his hand in my face, trying to catch my attention. I need to stop zoning out so often.

Sans: huh? y-yeah, sorry.

Looking at him up close, I could see that he was human and had pale skin. He also had wavy black hair that went to his shoulders, yellow goggles on top of his head, and a tattered gray scarf around his neck.

Recovery Of A Skeleton (Sans x BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now