Ch.2 Good Night

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Sans POV

Aizawa: hey, wake up, Sans. We're here.

Sans: *yawn* Five more minutes...

Aizawa: come on, you can sleep inside.

Sans: hmm?

I turn my head to see Aizawa standing outside the car waiting for me. I quickly sit up and unbuckle.

Sans: a-ah! Sorry, thought I was somewhere else.

Aizawa: no problem, I would just prefer if you were sleeping somewhere more comfortable. So, come on, follow me.

He closes the car door and starts walking towards the entrance to the house in front of us. I open the car door and step out before also closing it and following behind Aizawa.

Looking at the house, it was a light gray, with a darker shade of turquoise as the roof. The roof's and window's edges are coated in white paint, along with the front door's frame. All in all, everything looked as if it was only just built with how well maintained the house was. The only thing that made this property look a bit messy was probably the slightly overgrown grass with weeds everywhere.

Guess he isn't much of a plant guy. Either that or he's lazy, but most likely not from the looks of the house.

I make my way to the porch, and right as I make it there, Aizawa unlocks and opens the wooden door, leading me in the cozy home.

Aizawa: um, welcome, I guess... anyway, would you like to take a shower? I could clean up your clothes for you, and make some food if you want.

Sans: well, if you want to, sure. That works.

Aizawa: alright, for now, you can look around if you want. There's also the living room where you can wait. I'll call you when I'm done.

Aizawa takes off his shoes and walks away from the little hall-like area I was in. Sighing, I slide my slippers off and start my journey towards the end of the hallway and see a small white couch, along with a calico kitten napping on it.

Walking up to it, I sit while trying to not wake it up but sadly fail as it lifts its head up in a lazy manner. I expected that it might get scared and run away, but instead, I'm meeting with a soft purr, along with it nuzzling my shorts.

For a second, I am frozen with uncertainty, unaware of what to do since I've never been this close to a cat, but soon enough, I start stroking its head. Wow, it's really soft. I continue like this until Aizawa enters the room with a grin on his face.

Aizawa: heh. Looks like she warmed up to you pretty quick. *sigh*, it took me a month for her to even allow me to even touch her. Guessing You're good with cats?

Sans: actually, no. This is my first time even being this close to one. Dogs, on the other hand, I'm very close to. Can't imagine why, hehe.

Aizawa: ...right, anyways, the shower is ready when you are. I couldn't find any clothes that can probably fit, so, for now, you can wear some of my Nease's if that's alright.

Sans: I can't just wear what I got on?

Aizawa: well, I think it would be better if it were washed. Plus, it doesn't look very comfortable to sleep in.

Sans: I'll have you know that this is very comfy, but I guess you're right about it being a little dirty.

Aizawa: ...sure, a little. *sigh* follow me.

He walks off again, and I follow closely behind. We enter another hallway except for this time with five doors on either side of the walls. We go to the farthest one, and he opens the door, and inside is what I assume is his bedroom.

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